Oct 01, 2006 08:26


So lately I've been seeing a lot of members of my friends list interested in what's happening in politics. This makes sense, as the world political climate effects us all right now, and then there's also the fact that the U.S. midterm elections are right around the corner. So I was thinking to myself, "Self, why not get more LJ friends that are interested in political-goings-on?" And hence the Political Friending Meme was born.

To participate, just fill out the following questions and submit them as a comment. People can then reply to you asking to be friends-- or you can reply to comments of others.

1. Name:
2. Country you live in:
3. Political party affiliation (if any):
4. Political idealogy (Conservative, Moderate, or Liberal):
5. What issue are you currently the most concerned with?

Finally, this only works if you spread the word! Link to the meme in your own journal, if you please! :-)


politics, election 2006, memes

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