Pursuit of a Santaroni (Chapter 6.2)

Jun 05, 2012 19:52

Yesung grins, taking in the view of a giggling blonde and a blushing Donghae. Now this is something you don’t see everyday…

He smiles as Eunhyuk continues to laugh, thinking the latter is awfully cute with his gums showing and eyes curving into happy little crescents while the younger guy happily makes fun of his partner, that is, until he misses hitting the desk and falls onto the floor, landing with an ‘oof’ as he lands on his butt. He laughs with Donghae at the cursing blonde before watching his younger friend run to the blonde’s side, chuckling when the laughing brunette cried out in pain when the laughter made his hurt lip tear a little bit more. He smiles as Eunhyuk takes the offered hand and stands up, dusting himself off with an annoyed sigh before turning to dust Donghae off. Yesung’s mouth drops in surprised amusement as he notices Donghae freeze at the touch of his, well, based by the bright red blush gracing the man’s features, love interest dusting off his thighs before coughing awkwardly and stepping back. Eunhyuk, too, seems to finally notice what exactly he just did and backs away just as quickly while sporting a cute pink colour of his own.

Yesung turns to grin at the best friend on his shoulder. You’re right Ddang~ This is very interesting indeed.








I might just die. Eunhyuk touched my thighs. He TOUCHED my THIGHS. And DUSTED THEM. Omg I think he cares about me. Holy shit he might be in love with me.


Donghae turns around quickly to avoid facing Eunhyuk and covers his mouth, mentally squealing as he replays the vision of Eunhyuk sweetly cleaning off his thighs, though the vision may have been rigged and thoroughly dramatized as the flashback ended up with him tackling the blonde and kissing the daylights out of him, but Donghae was thrilled nonetheless.

On the other hand, Hyukjae had turned around and covered his blushing face to possibly avoid facing a smirking Donghae. He has never been so embarrassed before in his life. How could he possibly beat the crap out of the man, just to turn around and treat him with such concern?? It must have been the damn pout and the hair, vaguely reminding him of his naughty Kyuhyunnie though sooooo much more manly annoying. Being a mother and a father for so long has made his maternal instincts kick in when he saw how dirty Donghae became after his.. err.. ass whooping.

Hyukjae palms his face again at his mind’s choice of words. His own mind can’t even sound badass with this embarrassment. Oh my holy Shisus this day just really can’t get any weirder….

Back to the other side of the room, Donghae finally regains his composure and calms his fangirling heart. He turns around, ready to throw some sort of really cool yet teasing words to the blonde and possibly see his crush lose composure and shower him with attention again, but all words died in his throat as he sees Yesung now comforting the flustered man in a gentle embrace.


“YAH HYUNG WHAT THE HELL!” He rushes over and grabs the blonde away, about to hug him instead only to be pushed off and glared at.

“How many times do I have to fucking tell you not to touch me huh? Do I have to write it onto your stupid head or are you really that incapable to figure it out. DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME. PERIOD.” Eunhyuk glares. The blonde straightens himself up with an irritated sigh before turning back to Yesung, smiling sweetly. “Yesunggie hyung~ you can hug me again. <3”

Donghae gapes wide as he watches his Eunhyuk run into the arms of his friend’s, snuggling up into a chest that ISN’T his own.

Yesung turns to face him and sneers, rolling his eyes as Donghae’s bent glasses finally slip off his face and clatter onto the floor.

“Yah pabo, close your mouth. You’re starting to look like all the fish I sell. And pick up your glasses, jeez…”

Eunhyuk buries his face into the neck of his newfound hyung and happily sighs. Sure Yesung is weird and gives off a strange aura, but his hugs are extremely secure and it makes him warm and safe. Plus he’s never had an actual hyung, just his sister who lives miles and miles away, but it’s just not the same. Plus this hyung lets him beat up Donghae. He happily sighs again, enjoying the warmth until his ears quirk at the mention of selling fish.

He lifts his head and unconsciously pouts his lips, eyes blinking cutely, tilting his head in confused manor as he looks at the mysterious hyung before him.

Yesung laughs as he watches Donghae look like he’s about to throw another tantrum.

“Hyung,” Eunhyuk asks, looking at the latter with pure curiosity. “You sell fish?”

Yesung happily grins at the other man and loosens his hug to rest his arms on the blonde’s hips, knowing it might tick his dongsaeng off. “You bet your cute little nose I do. As well as cats, dogs, squirrels monkeys…”

Eunhyuk face brightens and he jumps excitedly in Yesung’s arms, completely oblivious to the heated glare coming from behind him. “Ah hyung! Do you happen to sell rabbits? Because if you do-”

“Yeah hyung, do you sell rabbits? Move over Eunhyuk I want to hug my hyung too,” Donghae says in a childish fashion, squeezing himself in between the two guys before clinging onto his friend like a koala. Donghae smiles cheekily at Eunhyuk’s glare, shoving him lightly to get a better hold of Yesung (more so like loosening Yesung’s hold on his man).

Yesung sighs in a bored manor, rolling his eyes as he knocks Donghae to the floor and focuses his attention on the pouting blonde. Man is it just me or are these two both a bit childish? Well… at least Eunhyuk is cute about it.

Donghae stands up and huffs, crossing his arms and glaring his most deadly glare at his hyung.

Yesung shrugs off the glare and pinches the blonde’s cheek, smiling genuinely at him.

“I sure do my dear, and of all sizes and kinds too. Are you looking to by a bunny for a special someone?”

Eunhyuk’s face instantly brightens once more, giving off a glow that stuns not only Donghae but Yesung too. Yesung feels himself melt a bit.

Eunhyuk nods eagerly and bites his lower lip, thoroughly excited about whatever he’s thinking.

“I sure am hyung! Do you think I can maybe come over and-”

Donghae yanks Yesung away from Eunhyuk and drags him to the other side of the room. “No! You are not allowed to be with Yesung hyung anymore. Anything you want to do or say to him has to go through me first!” Donghae stands haughtily in front of Yesung and narrows his eyes at his partner, glaring heatedly to show he’s not going to put up with Eunhyuk’s innocent, unintentional flirting any longer.

Eunhyuk returns the glare, feeling his temper rise once more. “Now why would I want to do that? You’ve done nothing but piss me off since the day I officially met you and I’m sick and tired of you trying to shove your way into something that’s never going to happen. Get over it Donghae, I’m already too busy and occupied with the other males in my life to deal with you. Now get out of my way and let me talk to MY hyung!”

Donghae felt pain squeeze his heart at the other’s harsh words, but he isn’t the type to give up easily. Plus he has the feeling Eunhyuk’s lying to him.

“Oh there’s other guys are there? Tell me their names.”

Eunhyuk crosses his arms and glares. “No.”

Donghae crosses his arms as well. “Yes. And you better do it because I won’t let you go anywhere unless you tell me!”

Eunhyuk scoffs and shifts his feet, rolling his eyes before breathing deeply and looking at Donghae darkly.

“I don’t have to tell you shit,” Eunhyuk slowly states, voice lowered and cold as he gets his things and walks to the door.

Donghae feels himself weaken with regret, so ready to run after the blonde and beg him to stay, very much willing to beg for forgiveness for whatever made him want to leave before the man turns around and looks past him, most likely to Yesung who has been idly watching with a frown at the two before him.

“Yesung hyung, I’m really sorry about Donghae and I, and our behavior.. I’m not exactly on the greatest terms with him since the stupid fish likes to freakin’ piss me off,” he pauses to glare once more at Donghae, making sure to emphasize ‘piss me off’ before returning his gaze at his new friend, “but I would very much love to buy a rabbit. I have three very important people who would love to have it today, so maybe if I can come over and pick one sometime…”

Yesung gives a small smile and nods, “Sure thing kid. My shop is actually around the corner from here, we can go there now if you’d like.”

Eunhyuk gives him a grateful smile, before looking back at the brunette who’s busy glaring at the floor but for once staying silent. He sighs and walks up to the brunette, noticing the man’s glasses were on the floor before picking them up and dusting them off. He notices that the frames were crooked, and for a slight moment he feels guilty. He quickly continues to stride over to Donghae and stops right in front of him.

“Look at me.”

Donghae keeps his gaze away from Eunhyuk, guilt and self pity making him unable to look his crush in the eye as he keeps his eyes focused on the random crack on the floor.

Eunhyuk sighs again at the guy’s childish resistance. “I swear Donghae, if you don’t look at me right now, I will make sure we never speak a single word to each other ever again. Now look at me.”

Donghae exasperatedly sighs, defeated as he reluctantly looks at the blonde, feeling his heart beat faster when he noticed how close they were to each other.

Eunhyuk gives a small smile, satisfied the latter was finally listening to him.

“Good boy, now this is what I want you to do. I don’t have time for your needless whinings or complaints, nor do I have time to play around with you. I have a few things to do tonight so we can’t work together today, but I’ll make time for tomorrow. Get an idea ready of what you want to do and we’ll work from there. If you so much as give me any trouble I swear Donghae I will take that F and never acknowledge your presence again, now do I make myself clear.”

The stern tone made Donghae think of a father scolding a child, but he nodded nonetheless, mentally happy that Eunhyuk was at least willing to work with him. He could plot how to make the former fall in love with him later.

Eunhyuk gifted him with a smile and he felt his insides melt. “Good,” he says. Donghae couldn’t help but to smile happily, feeling the mood moments before lighten as he and Eunhyuk look at each other. He watches as Eunhyuk’s eyes travel his face and frown, lifting his hand to gingerly touch the bruise on Donghae’s cheek.

“Mmmm.. sorry about that…” Eunhyuk looks back into his eyes and Donghae could see nothing but guilt and concern. He felt the slender fingers brush over the darkening area tenderly before the warmth leaves his skin, Eunhyuk having drawn his hands away to wring them nervously. “I usually don’t lose my temper like that but,” a sheepish smile, “I kind of don’t like being touched. Unless I trust you, and… well.. we don’t really know each other that well yet…”

Donghae had to frown at the idea of not being able to be trustworthy. Has he offended the blonde that much? He ponders how he should go about that before he hears the blonde continue.

“But, maybe if you ever become less annoying,” a teasing grin, “maybe we could be friends. You know, so I can judge you fairly and all. I mean, I heard you’re not that bad of a person, and I kind of wanted to be your friend before all the… um.. mishaps that has happened… so maybe.. if you want to.. we can be good friends and stuff.. aha… yeah…” and the blonde bashfully looks down, pink crawling back on his cheeks as he rubs his neck shyly.

Donghae could swear his heart was skipping more than little school girls. He feels himself slowly smile, partly because Eunhyuk was just so damn cute and partly because his crush just said that he, too, was willing to get to know him, and heck, even wanted to be friends before he ruined it with his clumsiness.

“Yeah,” he replies, a thankful and sincere smile gracing his lips as he gazes at the blonde affectionately. “I’d really like that.”

Eunhyuk finds himself blushing and looking down at his feet, feeling ridiculously shy all of the sudden.

They both jump when they feel Yesung slap them both hard on the back. “Great! So happy you two kids have kissed and made up, but it’s almost 3:30 and I have to get back to work. My employee Ryeowook can only handle the shop for so long, so we should get going.”

Eunhyuk’s eyes widen at the mention of time.

3:30?! Shit I’m going to be late for work!!
SO! What do you think ^-^ I personally love Yesung haha but I'd love to hear your thoughts <3
A Se7en for some heaven? :D

yesung, pairing: haehyuk, rating: pg-15, eunhyuk, donghae, pursuit of a santaroni, genre: humor, rating: pg- 13, genre: fluff, genre: crack, genre:angst, genre: drama, random, genre: romance

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