I don't care whether you're a SAHM, WAHM, WOHM, WPTM or whatever...I still want to know about how things go down in your house. It's not 1950 and duties are shared these days. At least I think they should be. Just because I'm a SAHM doesn't mean I lay around all day eating bonbons ;)
I'm going to use the word husband in these questions but I'm referring to husband, spouse, boyfriend, significant other, whathave you. I'm not trying to husband bash...I'm just curious. I know a lot of people have different views on what's expected from their spouse these days. I also know a lot of people expect more than they actually get. I know some of you on my list will have questions that don't apply to you....or apply to more than one child....just answer what you can please. Thanks!! :o)
Poll Is your spouse stuck in the 50's? If you'd like...post a link to this entry in your journal and ask some of your friends to swing over and take my poll. Thanks!! :o)