VIDS RECS from Vividcon 2013 Challenge

Sep 11, 2013 18:29

Challenge Amenesty
bradcpu's Thrift Shop (remakes) - LOLZ, entertaining concept and great musical combination. A cinematic thrill of a vid. The "I wear your granddad's clothes" section was especially satisfying.

ghost_lingering's Shephards (Firefly & Pulp Fiction) - Again, a spoken word vid was my favorite of a vidshow. I love everything about what this ( Read more... )

rec, tee vee: firefly/serenity, tee vee, tee vee: game of thrones, movies, tee vee: scifi

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Comments 1

sisabet September 12 2013, 04:30:41 UTC
Thank you so much for the rec, but The Sellout was made with sweetestdrain, not just me.


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