Vividcon 2012 Premieres Recs I

Aug 20, 2012 23:00

VividCon Premieres 2012 Intro Vid (multi) - EPIC AS HALE. -greensilver

Fields of Coal (The Unusuals) - I have such a deep love of the show that I was worried the vid would just be someone who watched for Jeremy Renner. I cannot express how happy I was with this vid. I had a doofy smile on my face the entire time, even at the sad bits, because I was just so ( Read more... )

tee vee: house, rec, tee vee: stargate: atlantis, movies, tee vee: scifi, tee vee: merlin, tee vee: stargate universe, tee vee: legend of the seeker, tee vee, tee vee: fringe, tee vee: stargate: sg-1

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Comments 2

hollywoodgrrl August 21 2012, 12:35:49 UTC


kiki_miserychic August 21 2012, 17:52:40 UTC
It seemed appropriate. Lol.


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