VID RECS (VVC disc 1 - premieres part 1)

Sep 09, 2009 13:11

My class ended early today and I took advantage of the time to watch VVC DVDs, leave feedback, and make some recs. Look at my productive self. I'm all caught up with my college courses for today, but tomorrow is another story when we get more assignments. College makes me sleepy.

VID RECS (VVC disc 1 - premieres part 1):
halcyon-shift's VVC Premieres Intro 09 Read more... )

rec, tee vee: firefly/serenity, movies, fandom: linkage, tee vee: t: the sarah connor chronicles, tee vee, tee vee: doctor who, tee vee: battlestar galactica, real life, fandom

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Comments 13

laurashapiro September 9 2009, 19:39:12 UTC
Thanks so much for your kind rec of Hard Sun. It's thrilling to see how many people were moved by it, and everything Brad and I had hoped for is summed up in your response to it. (:


kiki_miserychic September 9 2009, 19:45:29 UTC
It's one of my favorites. You two make me so happy and sad at the same time. I watched it on repeat a couple of times before I continued on the DVD.


laurashapiro September 9 2009, 19:55:42 UTC
That's just so wonderful to hear! ::glees::

I can't take much credit, though. Brad's the mastermind here. Oh, and hey, thank you for shooting footage! Couldn't have done it without you.


hollywoodgrrl September 9 2009, 20:54:37 UTC
Thanks for the rec! You make me all squirmy with happiness. :P


kiki_miserychic September 10 2009, 15:53:19 UTC


bop_radar September 9 2009, 22:38:37 UTC
Yay, I love reading recs, even when they're of things I have already seen. :) Your take on 'Marble House' was particularly interesting to me as it's very different to mine but I found the vid interesting anyway.


kiki_miserychic September 10 2009, 15:53:11 UTC
I usually have a little different of a view on vids, which I don't realize until I read other comments and go, "ohh, so no one else thought..." :)


bop_radar September 10 2009, 22:15:16 UTC
No!!! no, that's ME that has that! *clings once again to Kiki* I assumed your reading was mainstream. I'm always the odd one out in whatever fandom I'm in, and apparently that includes vidding.


kiki_miserychic September 11 2009, 00:09:44 UTC
Mine is very different from the usual take on the vid. HWG said mine is the 3rd interpretation, so there's 2 others. I think most people are seeing it as condemning the Doctor for abandoning humanity.

Let's be odd together! How did you see it?


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