rl, vid commentary comm, and birfday

Sep 02, 2009 21:36

I started back at college and this is my last semester before I graduate with my Bachelor's Degree (yay accomplishment). It pretty much means the only thing I'm going to be doing for a while is going to classes and student teaching.

I've been meaning to make a post about vid_commentary, but never actually did it. I posted commentary for charmax's multifandom ( ( Read more... )

rec, random, fandom: linkage, real life, [vid] vidding woes, fandom

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Comments 35

WHAT DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?? bananainpyjamas September 3 2009, 01:43:16 UTC
Bale Out!! If only because it has the best automatic commentary title ever.


Re: WHAT DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?? kiki_miserychic September 3 2009, 01:50:31 UTC
Hheheeh, that is a perfect commentary title, but I doubt people would be interested in the actual commentary


Re: WHAT DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?? bananainpyjamas September 3 2009, 01:52:49 UTC
You never know. I almost didn't include two of the top vote-getters in my poll as options because I figured no one would be interested. We probably have vidder-blinders on.


Re: WHAT DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?? kiki_miserychic September 3 2009, 02:00:18 UTC
Hmm, maybe. I might do a poll thingy too. I don't know, too many decisions. :)


(The comment has been removed)

kiki_miserychic September 3 2009, 16:50:49 UTC
I'm loving all the commentaries and the thinky thoughts that are coming out of them. :)



deathisyourart September 3 2009, 02:47:01 UTC
The resulting shock wave brought about by Bale Out commentary would be EPIC! Hee!

I would be incredibly happy to have you participate in any way that you can; I know that school is going to be very busy for you this semester.



kiki_miserychic September 3 2009, 16:53:08 UTC
LOL, I still want friends after they listen to the commentary.

I've only had one session with my advisor (we only meet Fridays), so I think I'm nervous and things are looking more difficult than they really are. I'm more than halfway done with one of my 3 week classes, so that's where most of my time is going.

I love swearing birthday messages!


deathisyourart September 3 2009, 17:59:50 UTC
I still want friends after they listen to the commentary
Really? Are you sure? Okay... I'll see if I can get someone to take the bullet on that one during the January viewer commentary challenge. *evil grin*


kiki_miserychic September 4 2009, 03:47:53 UTC
"I didn't come here to make friends!"



bop_radar September 3 2009, 04:21:41 UTC
Last semester, woot! :) I wish you much good studying. (And will try not to pester you with my fangirling too much. :p)

If you had any interest in writing about your Fall vid, I would, you know, love to write about it too. Just throwing it out there.
ETA'd to say, don't worry about it, I see your attentions may need to be, er, elsewhere. *glances up page* (And I haven't watched that vid yet: it's not personal.)


kiki_miserychic September 3 2009, 16:55:40 UTC
The studying part is mainly over! I'm student teaching, so no final exam per se, just bunches of evaluations. :)

My 3 week class is what's taking up my time, so I'll have more time after that's over. If you'd like to do The Fall vid with me, I'd totally be up for it. :)


bop_radar September 3 2009, 23:48:07 UTC
You would? Are you sure you wouldn't like to do Bale Out? Don't feel pressured because I asked... I'm totally going to write commentary on it at some point regardless of whether you do. Promise!


kiki_miserychic September 4 2009, 03:45:09 UTC
I'm not doing Bale Out commentary for a while. I'm not sure I have enough to say about the vid, Once Upon A Time, so much as I have stuff to say about the movie, which doesn't fit the challenge. Seem how you're relaxed about it, is it ok it I don't do the challenge? I wouldn't have much to say, lol.


laurashapiro September 3 2009, 04:22:33 UTC
Eep! Happy Birthday! ::offers belatedcake::


kiki_miserychic September 3 2009, 16:55:53 UTC
MMmmmm, CAKE!


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