Understanding Meta Vids (I C WHUT U DID THAR) vidshow playlist VVC09

Aug 16, 2009 15:10

nightchik and I complied the Understanding Meta Vids (I C WHUT U DID THAR) vidshow (she ran the panel at VVC) for 2009 vividcon.

Vids that exist on a meta level, working in more ways than one, often suggesting a basis beyond the individual fandoms of the source andmore about a larger concept and/or fandom itself. Vids that go beyond the narrative of their source, ( Read more... )

rec, tee vee: firefly/serenity, tee vee: stargate: atlantis, tee vee: scifi, tee vee: dollhouse, fandom: linkage, tee vee: buffy the vampire slayer, tee vee: smallville, tee vee: t: the sarah connor chronicles, tee vee, tee vee: supernatural, tee vee: battlestar galactica, [vid] vidding woes, fandom, tee vee: veronica mars

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Comments 15

counteragent August 16 2009, 19:38:57 UTC
Can't wait to watch ones I haven't seen! (Also, dying for vidpanel notes!) thanks forthinking of my vids. :)


kiki_miserychic August 16 2009, 19:46:12 UTC
We tried to do a wide selection so there'd be vids unknown to this part of fandom. :)

I keep refreshing the vivicon flist for notes like a stalker.



counteragent August 16 2009, 20:31:54 UTC
You guys definitely accomplished that. (Yay!) I can't believe I missed the meta in Sex O Matic...guess as a SamGirl I'm just too close. HEE. Anyway, thanks for making me think. :D

...edited because I inadvertently sounded like an ass...


kiki_miserychic August 18 2009, 04:49:58 UTC
I'm not sure if deirdre_c intended the meta or if it was only my interpretation. That's a neat aspect of interpretating vids. I see Sex-o-matic as an update of Quantum Leap's Oh, Boy! from Sterling Eidolan and the Odd Woman Out. In both vids the woman can be seen as the female audience becoming an entity. Does my interpretation of the vid as meta make it meta or is it only meta if it's intentional from the vidder?

You didn't sound like an ass. ;)


kuwdora August 16 2009, 20:33:26 UTC
kiki_miserychic August 18 2009, 04:50:24 UTC
Always use a spoon when eating up meta. It's only polite. ;)


0mindthegap0 August 21 2009, 01:37:45 UTC
For extra classy meta

And I'm sorry to ask, but do you know of anywhere else that we could see We Have a Right to Be Angry? It's the only one here I hadn't seen, and the shockwave embed she's used really isn't cooperating with this computer. I've updated the plugin, and.. still not working. : /


cyborganize August 17 2009, 00:17:28 UTC
oh, I love how you've parenthetically categorized them by kind of meta! I know you said it was hard to define but this is very clear.


kiki_miserychic August 18 2009, 04:51:57 UTC
We had them paired up (with a set of 3) by the meta aspect too. It was cool to see how different approaches and ideas to the same topic.


zvi_likes_tv August 18 2009, 05:22:41 UTC
I definitely recommend hapex-legomena's Enter the Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers of Death (Collector's Edition)
Audio and Video Editing: [info]hapex_legomena
Video Source: Lord of the Rings
Audio Source: all songs by the Wu-Tang Clan
Warnings: spoilers for RaceFAIL '09
Rating: R for violence and language
Summary I: An audio-visual essay deconstructing orcing and the emulation of the behavior and appearance of other nithings in the pursuit of performance art.
Summary II: In an alternate universe where orc hordes start an internet flamewar with the good white peoples of middle earth in order drag the blogosphere down into a never-ending age of darkness and wank, the only way men can hope to save their fantasy world is to destroy the source of the POC hive vagina's Sauron's power.

Also, the third vid is Secret Asian Man. You have it listed as Secret Agent Man?


kiki_miserychic August 18 2009, 06:13:21 UTC
I have that loading in another window. Looks very, very intriguing.

My brain must have been thinking about the original song when I typed that. Thanks for catching it.


alias_sqbr September 11 2009, 04:37:43 UTC
Coming across this conversation rather late, here my meta vids tag.


kiki_miserychic September 13 2009, 19:41:16 UTC
Thanks for the links. Those look like interesting watches. :)


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