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Comments 8

chikage_eiji March 15 2011, 10:18:48 UTC
Thank GOD that your family are fine.

Even though I don't like Lady GAGA but I'm going to buy the wristband and also donate to Japan Red Cross.

I hope I can do more than that.

The only updated list of safe seiyuu is in seiyuu comm.


kikeek March 17 2011, 00:34:55 UTC
but there's talks of them coming out to US for a while...
dunno if they are tho'

ya. i don't like Lady Gaga either. but she's always nice on tv! ^^
when i ordered the wristband and realized there was shipping charge, i thot i should have canceled it and spent the shipping money + wristband money on donation. >___> but ended up buying it. guh! but it's for a good cause, i guess. gonna donate again after next pay check! ^^

just chipping in is awesome!
glad you've donated! ^^

i see different updates, but i'm not seeing anything complete... guh
will check seiyuu comm again later! thanx!


glitteringloke March 15 2011, 10:42:15 UTC
... i wish others would donate to things that AREN'T the red cross. they're pretty notorious for being fail with money management and have such an overhead that most of your money doesn't get where it's going anyway. i tweeted an article the other day about that... :/

but i'm really glad all your ppl are doing alright :) i know juurouta wasn't on the safe seiyuu list, but he made a blog entry, so i don't think anyone was updating it as of yesterday afternoon....


kikeek March 17 2011, 00:42:37 UTC
i heard 91% of donation goes straight to the cause...
anyway, they were the first group i thot of when i donated.
but thanx for the info.

thanx. they're all safe in tokyo. ^^
i read Juurouta and Horiuchi weren't on the safe list for a while, so glad to know about Juurouta!


bearfuzz March 15 2011, 11:16:41 UTC
Thank you for all this info!! <3

Seeing your post- i feel kind of 癒す’d now :3
So glad your fam is safe!

Have you checked ANN? They have their own list of safe seiyuu:
le click~

And Gaga...her music can be a bit overrated, but i really love *her* as a person. Any celeb that inspires people in a positive way is A-Ok wiff me :3


kikeek March 17 2011, 00:39:45 UTC
heeee~ just gathered everything i saw on tumblr~ >___>
but welcome! <3

i'm glad too! thank you!!

ya. i saw that list...
i'm kind of worried about Tachiki Fumihiko
haven't heard any news about him yet, so kinda worried...
Ken~chaaan~~! TAT


danbi March 17 2011, 04:36:53 UTC
Very informative post! They announced the texting option to donate in my seminar the other night so I did that. I'm glad people in your family are all right.


kikeek March 17 2011, 07:50:05 UTC
yay~ for donating! ^^/

thank you! hopefully they will stay all right after all the terrible things that r happening right now.


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