(no subject)

Jun 21, 2004 19:55

More from Brother's At play
Same rating warnings as the last part apply. Methos wanted to over thing a bit more before the next flashback/dream.
Last parts here and here.

Only later lying sweaty in the safe circle of Duncan’s arms did Methos let him mind wander back to the dream and the games he and Kronos had once played. He missed those games sometimes. Though he’d never taken the same amount of pleasure in the deadly bloody games as his brother had, Methos found something freeing in not being in control. Feeling his heart slowly stop beating while knowing he was safe in his brother's arms had been addictive.

Sometimes he did miss the blood. It never took much thought to remind himself why he didn’t live that way. The same reason why no matter how tempting Kronos had been when his brother had returned, that Methos betrayed him.

Turning his face slightly Methos nuzzled Duncan’s arm provoking a sleepily complain from the man as his stubble scratched Duncan’s skin. Duncan was nothing like his brother in bed and for that Methos was grateful.

Thought there were times when he wished Duncan would take control of him, posses him. Methos knew Duncan had some of it in him, the need to posses Methos, shimmering just below the surface. He could see it when they spared or when their bed turned into a playful wrestling match like it had that night.

At the same time he knew Duncan would never act on it.

He should have been relived in that, since didn’t he want nothing to do with anything like he had with Kronos?
Next up Kronos/Methos and the Statue of Isthar (btw major thanks to Pat for those unsaul sex pratices posts. Muy inspiration.)
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