Fic: The Usual Suspect

Feb 24, 2005 12:46

Title: The Usual Suspect:
The Enemy You Know, Book I
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Rating: R-ish
Pairing: Veronica/Weevil
Spoilers: Through Mars vs. Mars only (no Ruskie Business events)
Thanks: Trixie "Beta Reading for the Emotionally Unstable" Firecracker (trixalicious), and logovo for language tips.
Summary: When dealing with an opponent who may be smarter than ( Read more... )

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Comments 58

visionofblue February 24 2005, 12:05:51 UTC
End of Book 1, implying there will be more, yes? Because there really must be more. *g*

I've been slacking in my VM reading and fandom, but I'm so glad I finally poked my head out to read this. I really liked this! I'm biased by my Veronica/Weevil love of course. ;) Lots of funny moments, very good job with the characters voices, and this was a very nice coming together for them. I love that this was the way Weevil got her to pay attention. I really hope to see a continuation of this, it's a nice set-up, and showcases what I like about the two of them together.

Also, the compartmentalize like Sydney Bristow lines made me gigglesnort out loud, being an Alias fan as well.


kieyra February 24 2005, 14:13:51 UTC
Thanks for the feedback--I'm glad you liked it. I do in fact have Book II completely plotted; I know that the Weevil/Veronica pairing is not the most popular though, so I was waiting to see if anyone even read this before I went on writing. :)


cosmic February 24 2005, 12:22:32 UTC
I *loved* this. Can't wait for more! =)


kieyra February 24 2005, 14:14:11 UTC
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Glad you liked it. :)


allhoneyboo February 24 2005, 12:59:26 UTC
Finally! Someone has noticed the hotness that is Veronica/Weevil. I really think they could have something if they got together. I'm interested to see where you take this series.


kieyra February 24 2005, 14:15:43 UTC
Finally! Someone has noticed the hotness that is Veronica/Weevil.

I really liked them from the pilot onwards, and I never really got over it. :) Even when they stopped using him as much in episodes. The Rich White Boys don't do much for me, sad to say. :)

Thanks for taking the time to write.


dissident February 24 2005, 13:33:13 UTC

I love this pairing. I know it probably isn't likely to really happen on the show or anything but hey, one can wish....

Your story is wonderful. Weevil going to such lengths to ensare Veronica because he knows she's much too smart to fall for anything else, and it shows how well he actually knows her, to plot a scheme that would catch her like that.

Seriously... squeee.


kieyra February 24 2005, 14:18:00 UTC
I love this pairing. I know it probably isn't likely to really happen on the show or anything but hey, one can wish....

As I said above, I really keyed in on them right away and never cared much for Locan or Duncan. Now, of course, I realize I'm probably on the wrong ship entirely. I think I'm just going to live with it. ;)

Seriously... squeee.

=) Glad you enjoyed it. :)


luckycharm_13 February 24 2005, 14:37:04 UTC
Wow, wonderful job!

I can't wait for book two :)


kieyra February 25 2005, 07:01:08 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you likeed it. :)


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