Oh hello

Jan 17, 2015 15:24

I love that every time I come to LJ, it's been so long since I was here that they've completely changed the interface paradigm. Everything online is getting bigger and bigger while conveying less and less information. Soon everything will be a big collection of circles with the word "Hello" in the middle ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

angela_o January 19 2015, 01:08:28 UTC
Congratulations on finishing your novel! That's very exciting. I'm not sure how many people are still around on LJ. It seems like many have migrated to Tumblr, which I find interesting, but it really isn't the best format for discussion.

What genre is your novel?


kieyra January 19 2015, 23:46:55 UTC
Hi! I'm glad you're still here. Yeah, I had a feeling tumblr might be part of the drain, but tumblr weirds me out--why can't you see the date stamp of entries? (Yes, this is precisely how much thought I put into it.)

My novel is 'Vampire redux, set in a geek millieu'. I keep trying to figure out what genre this would fit in because they say 'read deeply in your genre', but the books that are in this kind of genre (urban fantasy? paranormal?) are all sort of modern-day bodice-rippers with female protagonists. (I tried to flip everything around and the protagonist is a male video game developer.)

And thanks for the grats. I'm sort of stuck on what to do next but being able to at least talk about it is fun.


seawench January 21 2015, 22:14:19 UTC
I logged in today for no apparent reason and found this! What fun. It's hard to find good vampire fiction that isn't camouflaged romance.


kieyra January 22 2015, 15:03:36 UTC
Thank you! I'm not entirely certain there's an audience for it, but it was fun to write. If I end up going the self-pub route I'll post it here for sure. I also set up a twitter account, @kieyrajones, but so far I'm not being very amusing there. :)


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