Fic: Crossroads (POTC)

Jul 23, 2006 18:01

Title: Crossroads
Fandom: POTC2 (movie spoilers)
Rating: PG13-ish.
Summary: One-shot. Tia Dalma, Will Turner. Not so much a touch of destiny as a chance encounter.
A/N: This my first story in this fandom. It's a little strange, and pretty far outside my normal scope, but my interest in vodou and New Orleans history caused the story to write itself ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

shealynn88 July 24 2006, 13:06:43 UTC
Wow. You bring such incredible depth to a character we see for all of 10 minutes in canon, and you steep her in myth and magic and make her real for me. I LOVE stories that weave details the way this did--all the voodoo details, the history, the things that drive her and the fact that she's not really of this world anymore.

Despite the fact that I never really considered Will/Tia before, you made it absolutely believable...and, in fact, destined, and I was completely caught up in it.

Beautifully done.


kieyra July 24 2006, 16:44:54 UTC
Thanks for commenting--I'm glad you liked it. :) This is the first complete thing I've written in ages and I was really pretty unsure of it, given the subject matter and wordiness.

Wow. You bring such incredible depth to a character we see for all of 10 minutes in canon, and you steep her in myth and magic and make her real for me. I LOVE stories that weave details the way this did--all the voodoo details, the history, the things that drive her and the fact that she's not really of this world anymore.

I zeroed in on her character almost immediately--voodoo has been one of my pet interests for a number of years, and they used a lot of really interesting imagery and detail (well, they did that throughout the film, but you know what I mean) to bring the character to life. And the actress was phenomenal.

Thanks again for commenting. :)


sinister_beauty July 25 2006, 22:03:35 UTC


kieyra July 28 2006, 17:29:59 UTC


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kieyra July 28 2006, 17:32:57 UTC
I was completely unfamiliar with the actress, but very taken in by her character. (The PTB behind the Pirates movies are very good at casting and at creating compelling characters.)

Now, as for your fic. It was for lack of a better word PRETTY. The prose sort of spins and whirls and I can't help but sit back and sigh with pleasure. I liked this view into Tia Dalma more than I can fully articulate at the moment. She's interesting in the film, but in your hands, she's given this whole other life and purpose and meaning.

I hadn't written anything in many months when I wrote this, so I'm still a little unsure of it (and its total lack of humor), but it was one of those stories that arrived in my head with all the imagery intact, so I went with it.

Anyway. Thank you for commenting here, and on my other POTC story. Glad you've enjoyed them. :)


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kieyra July 30 2006, 06:29:42 UTC
Um. *drool* icon. That is all.


kathianta August 14 2006, 20:25:05 UTC
Bother my British upbringing, I completely failed to understand the references to Marie Laveau at the end - but having looked her up, I think that was an excellent link. The fic was gorgeous; I loved your presentation of both of the characters!


dazzleflash August 22 2007, 01:56:46 UTC
I really enjoyed this; I just love the way you portray Tia. It's spot-on :)
I also like the idea of Tia/Will, very sexy.

Say, would you be interested in X-posting this into dalmafan? I know people over there would love this!


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