1. Finish rewriting book before I die, at the current rate of 15 minutes a day
2. Get agent in a shrinking, suspicious marketplace
3. Get book published in a see above
4. Retrain very fast and without it costing anything
5. Get new job with flexible hours, in an industry that isn't tanking, without having any experience in it, at close to middle
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Comments 4
The book: http://www.amazon.com/Demon-Renaissance-Drive-Elizabeth-Reuter/dp/1936564254/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322139989&sr=8-1
It's been out for under a week and sold maybe half-a-dozen copies so far, but still! After years of rejection letters I secured a non-vanity small-press publisher whose been doing their duty getting the word out, and so shall you!
For re-training, libraries can help you for free, and some government branches, but that depends on what you're trying to retrain in. Any ideas on what field you want to go in to?
It probably doesn't help that I've finally strayed into writing fanfic. Total procrastination, but it's fun, dammit XD
Retraining: want to dodge out of traditional IT/programming into web design. I've got a bit of hands-on experience and a few decent contacts so I'm hoping to gradually build up some bits of freelance work. Again, fitting it all into the Day Job and so forth is quite the challenge.
Thanks again for the encouraging reply :D
As far as fanfic goes, PAD and Mercedes Lackey were prolific fanficcers. Lackey still swears by it as a good way to get ideas. ^_- Don't knock it!
And thanks for your congrats. Still not tired of hearing it, since I, too, went through YEARS AND WHOLE REJECTED MANUSCRIPTS, DAMN IT!
I totally get how challenging it is for you, believe me, on the web design front. But you're right--if you've already got the contracts, then it looks like you've figured out how to proceed yourself. All I can say is, that's really awesome. Keep us updated!
PAD wrote fanfic? Hee, awesome! That makes me feel extra happy about my RicStar efforts :D (They're below here if you're interested, she said shamelessly XD)
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