TTU update

Jan 02, 2014 21:31

Title: Teen Titans: Unlimited
Fandom: Teen Titans (Animated series)
Character(s)/Pairing: Multiple
Rating: T for Teen
Summary: My attempt at a sixth season of the original teen titans show. Incorporates plots from ttg# 55, 54, 51, 50, 49, 48, 45, 44, & 36. I own nothing.

Episode 1(continued)
Later that night, Raven feels a bit hungry, so she decides to get some yogurt from the fridge. Upon entering the main lounge, she notices Beast Boy eating some leftovers. Beast looks over and notices her as well. “Hey Rave, got the munchies too”. Her stomach growled furiously. “You can take that as a yes”. she quickly looked into the fridge and pulled out a strawberry flavored yogurt cup and grabbed a spoon from the drying rack. After five minutes of them digging in quietly, Beast Boy decides to break the ice. “So about that vote”.
It was never Raven’s intention to bring up a tender area to support her claim. She just wanted to protect her friends at all costs. It’s the way Raven’s been since she defeated her father. But she had noticed Beast Boy was still sore about the issue. “Look, I didn’t mean to bring up her like that, I know she’s changed. I just don’t want to go through that type of ordeal again. How do we know if push comes to shove, she’ll side with her father next time we face him”.
Suddenly Beast Boy had an epiphany, and displayed a rare moment of wisdom. “If I remember correctly, she’s not the only one with daddy issues. We knew your dad was bad news but we didn’t care. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt Raven. And for your info I’m over what happened with Terra, I get why she wanted to move on. The only thing that still bugs me is why she pretended not to know me. I can’t shake the feeling that Slade is behind that”. Raven stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I guess we both have to work on letting things go. Goodnight Garfield”. “I told you not to call me that” Beast Boy complained. “Hey, it’s the one thing about you i do find funny” she replied.
Raven quietly returned to her room, layed down on her bed and pulled her covers over her as she fell asleep. She woke up to the sound of commotion and walked out of her room to see what was going on. When she got to the main lounge, all of her fellow titans stood there facing the windows. “Hey guys, what’s going on”. No one replied, it was as if they all were zoned out. Suddenly Beast Boy turned around to look at her, but it wasn’t the real Beast Boy. The real Beast boy certainly didn’t have four glowing red eyes. “He’s coming back”. The rest of the titans joined him in reciting this chant as they all slowly marched towards Raven, each donning 2 pairs of glowing red eyes. Raven began to breakdown with fear. “No, no, noooooooo”. Suddenly Raven jerked awake, covered in cold sweat.
In a manor just outside jump city limits, William Wintergreen rested as he read a novel. The absence of his master left him with very little to do outside of maintaining the place. He was about to put down his novel and go to sleep when he heard a disturbance from the kitchen. That could only mean one thing, so he planted his feet into his slippers and walked out the room. Wintergreen walked down the long corridor containing several rooms to the main staircase. Once he was on the ground floor, he swiftly made his way through the living room to the kitchen. Upon entry, Wintergreen was greeted by none other than Slade. “I was beginning to wonder when you would return master Wilson”.
Wintergreen was one of the few people Slade Wilson allowed face-to-face encounters with. It’s not that it mattered really, he just was not a man who took unnessasary risks. Slade was in his civilian apparel, donning an eyepatch over his right eye socket which rested upon silvery grey hair. He wore a leather jacket over a military green sweater with jeans and black boots. “how have things been going with the relocation process” Slade asked, skipping the plesentries. Wintergreen was tasked with completing this after Rose found the place. “All sensitive materials from your previous estate are accounted for, the drones recovered them before initiating the self destruct protocols”.
That only left one loose end on Slade’s mind, his daughter Rose. He kept tabs on her, fully aware of her participation in the Titans recruitment program. He never intended on getting his kids involved with his line of work, but after his previous partnerships had all backfired on him, they were his best options. And with sensitive info regarding the titans selection of a new member, he could easily push her into his fold.
Slade hadn’t seen his daughter in years. After losing his wife, Adeline, he had made it a point to distance himself from his kids to make sure they avoided the same fate. As Wintergreen prepared his meal, Slade began to daydream about the last time he saw his children. It had been a month after Addie’s funeral. Slade was with them in a black SUV in front of a foster-care center just outside of Star city. Both Rose and Joseph were sound asleep. He carefully lifted them out of the truck and carried both of them in his arms. As they entered the facility, Rose began shift awake in his arms. “Daddy, where are we going”. Looking his daughter in the eyes, Slade calmly replied. “Listen, one day when your old enough, you able to understand all of this. Stay here and lookout for your brother”. With sleep heavy in here eyes, Rose nodded. after giving the attendant a set of forged documents, Slade kissed both his children on their foreheads and walked out.
Wintergreen was about to interrupt his daydream with the announcement of supper, But a beacon went off. “Attention, incoming feed of potential intel coming through”. Slade quickly ran to the monitor in the living room to download the video.
Jericho ran through the streets of lower jump city, unsure of what exactly was chasing him. he ducked through an alleyway and phased through the fence. the figure followed him and did the same. Jericho than turned left and ran down another alleyway leading to a mattress wearhouse. he quickly shut the door after himself and ran up to the first floor. Once he was there, Jericho caught his breath at a hallway next to the stairwell. as he kept moving, Jericho began to question what exactly was chasing him, it was unlike anything he had seen before.
Jericho had come to jump to visit his sister, who recently linked up with the titans. It was a long time since he had seen her. When he was eleven and she was ten, they were adopted by different parents after four years of being in foster care. they stuck close and took care of each other before that, and promised to meet again once they were old enough to find each other. two weeks ago, Robin had informed him about his sister joining the recruitment program, and Jericho made it his business to make it to Jump city and find her.
He was approaching the end of the hallway when the figured appeared again and sprinted towards him. Jericho ran down an intersecting hallway and phased through a window, landing swiftly on his feet as he began to dash through a parking lot. Not to be deterred, the figure continued it’s pursuit, nipping on Jericho’s trail. He ran through crowded intersections and pointed towards the figure that was chasing him, hoping someone would alert the authorities or more specifically the titans. But people just stood their in shock, not being able to see the figure chasing him.
“If i can just make it to the tower, i can get some help with this thing” Jericho thought to himself. all bets were off now, Jericho took control of a nearby falcon and flew towards the tower, he could see it looming over the city. Jericho was about to pass the beach not to far from jump city harbor when the figure flies by and strikes him, causing him to lose control of the falcon and plummet to the ground. As he looked up with sand over his face, the last thing Jericho would see were two pairs of glowing red eyes.
Slade downloaded the feed to a chip and took the hidden elevator in the kitchen down to his underground silo. As he walked through the armory, storage racks popped out of the ground containing his armor, weapons and various explosives. He took a seat at a computer terminal at the end of the walkway. Once there, Slade inserted the chip to his computer. His initial view of the video feed was very pixilated but he was able make out someone from the video, a boy with blond hair was running from something. He ran the feed through a de-pixilation software that made the video clearer. Once it had finished and Slade re-watched the video, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The Boy in the video was his son!
He watched the feed intensely, trying to make sense of what was going on. It appeared as if Joseph was being chased by something, with the way he sprinted through alleyways and jumped out of windows. Towards the end of the feed, a camera from a shop on the beach caught Joseph as he fell towards the sand. the last ten seconds showed Jericho walking away with a red mark on his forehead. Slade froze the video at the last 3 second mark and zoomed in on Joseph’s forehead. Emblazed upon his dome was none other than the mark of scath, a symbol Slade was all too familiar with.
Something else was troubling him, how had his son developed the ability to phase through objects and possess living things in the first place. Joseph had shown no signs of meta-gene activity when he was under Slade’s care, though his sister Rose was a different story.
Slade re-analyzed the footage, trying to pick off any other things he might of missed. It occurred to him that Joseph was heading in a direction that lead to nowhere. Surely it would of been wiser to head for the authorities. But when he pulled out a map, Slade had remembered that the Titans tower was located on an island near the center of Jump city harbor. Could his son be in league with the Titans? Which begs the question, Could Joseph be in contact with Rose?
Slade snuck into the titans database and took a look at their active roster, trying to find anyone who fit the description of his son. Being that the visuals attached to the dossiers took time to decrypt, time Slade didn’t have before the system would detect the intrusion and alarm the titans, he cross referenced meta-abilities similar to Joseph’s. He found someone who fit the description, but what he also found on the dossier assured him that it was his son. Slade was aware that Joseph’s foster parents had renamed him Jericho. Jericho had also been the name attached to the dossier.
Once he had all that he needed, he sent an embedded message to the titans containing the video feed. They wouldn’t know it was him of course, But having them looking for Jericho as well only helped the chances of finding him. After that had been taken care of, he walked back to the armory and suited up. “It’s time to pay the church of blood a visit”

End of Episode

cartoon: teen titans

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