Oct 27, 2007 15:41

I am pleased to be posting this for its author, the absolutely amazing 
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writing, blackmare_9

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Comments 18

brynnamorgan October 29 2007, 16:05:49 UTC
I do the same thing with my artwork - once it's finished I run it past the fan fic author before publishing it. I've also had some of my fan fic universes expanded upon, and the author always asked me before sharing for the world to see.

I really love what y'all have done with Aftershocks and hope to see more collaboration like it. :-)

Excellent, excellent essay.


blackmare October 30 2007, 00:08:12 UTC
Thanks. It may be a while before we ever jump into anything like this again, since it has totally eaten our lives. We didn't expect that; it just worked out that way.

I don't think I've ever seen your art, except for one computer-generated piece I found on your LJ page. Do you have any drawings posted anywhere?


brynnamorgan October 30 2007, 02:41:25 UTC
For the past several years I've done mostly CGI - usually romantic scenes that take me several evenings, sometimes weeks of those, to complete. Between it and writing my spare time (!?) is pretty much consumed.

Most of my work is over at Renderosity, an online artists site similar to Deviant Art, although considerably older, devoted to computerized artwork.

Or, the easy route would be at my son's website, Would You Like Fries With That?. I'm Brynna, pretty easy to find.


pripriority November 5 2007, 00:23:34 UTC
I'm new to LJ, so please forgive any transgressions ...

Your comments are right on the mark and useful information for writers who feel the urge to contribute to another's story.

As one of the many (many many) contributors to Sheep's Contractverse, it was important to me that she read my spin on it and approve it. Lo, Sheep created that 'verse, saying, "Let there be whacking!" And there was whacking, and it was good ... but back on topic.

If she had said my story sucked, then it would never have been posted and I would not have resented her for it. She had final say. Not only that, but it seemed necessary to also run it by Troopercam, whose "Lifeline" followed on the heels of "The Contract."

You made several great points, blackmare_9. Thanks for the thoughtful essay.


blackmare November 5 2007, 13:52:50 UTC
Hi there!

Nice to hear from another jumper of fences. The Contractverse is hard to resist, isn't it? So much damage was done, and so much left untold, that it's almost impossible to keep your mind from beginning to fill in the blanks.

I'll admit I have chickened out of reading most of the stories in that ficverse -- but that's largely because I've been working on Aftershocks and I couldn't risk getting drawn back into Sheepie's World.

Transgressions, you say? Oh, don't fret about that. You've fallen into a friendly crowd over here.

Oh, and I am adoring your barn owl icon. :-)


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