Aiming a cannon at canon

Oct 03, 2007 09:01

Last night's episode of House left me cold.  Had "The Right Stuff" been my introduction to the series, House would not currently occupy highest priority on the DVR; nor would Tuesdays be the highlight of my week.  It would be like Law and Order--fine if I happen to catch it.  Also fine if I don't.

Three scenes that I enjoyed:  Wilson convincing ( Read more... )

s4, canon, house

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Comments 22

Dr. Fantabulous anonymous October 5 2007, 20:01:48 UTC
How long until the sequel to the More things Change? I'm excited to read it!


Re: Dr. Fantabulous kidsnurse October 5 2007, 20:11:18 UTC
okay, tell the truth-- misanthropicobs put you up to asking The Big Question, didn't she?? ;-) and the answer is... i wish i knew. i know it's a lousy answer, and nobody wants to see me write the sequel more than i do. the moment my muse returns from her [overly long] vacation, i'll have a much better answer!!


Re: Dr. Fantabulous pathos73 October 6 2007, 11:08:03 UTC
I live in hope of your muse returning - and in the spirit of this, can I please be friended?



Re: Dr. Fantabulous kidsnurse October 6 2007, 13:27:54 UTC
done! [not the return of the muse, but the friending thingy!]


pffff5 October 6 2007, 09:12:19 UTC
I'm sooo happy to see you're back ! I've missed you, really.

I really liked the Right Stuff. And loved Alone. To me those two episodes are just great.
Just like you I startled when I heard Wilson's line : "you've never been there". Wait ?! What ?! there must be an explanation to this or it's like the writers act as if they're talking to a totally different audience.
I'm eager to figure it out.
Hope your muse will be back soon...


pffff5 October 6 2007, 10:36:16 UTC
ps : you're a nurse right ? I have a question...when someone goes into cardiac arrest after an electrocution and is rescucited by an over-competitive blond (ok, that's not relevant) does he just wake up fine and that's it or are there problems ?


kidsnurse October 6 2007, 13:26:19 UTC
this is an off-the-cuff answer from a pediatric nurse who hasn't yet had her first cup of coffee, so take it in that spirit, but-- if i recall correctly [and perhaps i don't] there is a risk of sequela; neuropathy comes to mind. but if the electrical shock is not sustained, and the cardiac or respiratory arrest is witnessed, and thus treated promptly, i believe that recovery is fairly uncomplicated, and complete. the patient would probably be monitored in a hospital for a day or so. they'd be watching for further cardiac arrythmias, and other symptoms [for example, neuropathy] which mightn't immediately evidence themselves following the incident. but don't take this as an expert answer [or even a particularly knowledgeable one!].


pffff5 October 6 2007, 13:51:27 UTC
thanks, you can have your coffee now...;-)
looks to me that, as the patient did that with House being present, House proceeds while he's ALONE...This, plus Wilson's remark, seems totally preposterous. Fox is playing with our minds...


kidsnurse October 6 2007, 14:16:38 UTC
i am, as a matter of fact, just now having my first sip! took a while, as i first had litterbox patrol, dog-who-thinks-vinyl-floor-is-a-toilet clean-up, and the usual umpteen pills to swallow. oh--and i also fed the cats, so that i can continue my ultra-important litterbox patrol.

but now i have my coffee, and my world is righting itself! :-)


hansolo5 October 7 2007, 08:50:08 UTC
I haven't seen any new episode yet , but tomorrow I'm going to have a House party with some friends, and we'll be watching the first two eps... I'll let you know!


angelcat2865 October 9 2007, 13:45:06 UTC
Hi Kidnurse,
Glad you are back love your stories.
Maybe House thought he was not dead long enough the first time? Still doesn't explain Wilson response though does it? I don't know I love this show but sometimes it drives me crazy.
I hope you don't mind that I added you to my friends list


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