over-abundance of self-importance

May 14, 2008 19:53

...why do I find it so annoying?! DX A lot of things actually annoy me, but I choose not to voice it because that takes more effort than the annoying thing is actually worth. I just come across random entries of ppl I don't know and think, "Is this person for real?" Does that make me judgmental? Maybe. But I think of it more as stating than hating ( Read more... )

dean fujioka, shopping service, fail

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Comments 7

shiroi_nami May 14 2008, 15:20:10 UTC
Haha what are you referring to? XDD

Also we need to fangirl that Q&A. My kokoro keeps getting more and more ippai for them. <3

And I love how you have like the hottest blog picture of Hazuki EVER as your icon. When I saw it on Ni's blog I was all *____*. He looks so young and pretty.


kidoairaku May 14 2008, 15:29:21 UTC
Random entries I find by clicking on ppl who share the same interests as me. Namely bands...

We do! I'm still working on Shuu's and then I find that I have some ??? for Ryo's too. Their answers can be so weird.

Hazukiiiiiii. *-* I'm an unabashed fangirl for him. Though in person, I may act differently. XD Sometimes I feel the need to tone myself down, and not let it show. =O Lest I go fangirl crazy.

Why are you not on MSN?


shiroi_nami May 14 2008, 15:41:24 UTC
Haha I can't wait to read them! XDD

Seriously me and 13th_deity talked about him in that picture for like 5 comments back and forth on LJ. It was like..srz bznzz. You're completely justified in being a fangirl for him. It can't be worse than my Satoshi adoration after all.

And I will be on in literally 2 minutes! :D


kidoairaku May 14 2008, 15:45:02 UTC
You'd be surprised. XDDD I could shout it out to the world, but then I feel a bit self-conscious and think "What are you doing, Joshia?" I'm constantly honing in my emotions.


(The comment has been removed)

kidoairaku May 15 2008, 03:31:15 UTC
No worries. I mean ppl I don't know at all. I was just clicking interests randomly. I should really stop that, so I can save my sanity.


jackichen007 May 14 2008, 23:19:11 UTC
xDDD yahh man packages! D: it will be insane for you!

hahah who is that actor? D:

it is ok. some entries of random ppl make me want to kill myself. that is why there is junkbooger (http://community.livejournal.com/junkbooger/profile )

you need to join and be a hater. :)


kidoairaku May 15 2008, 03:46:23 UTC
Don't worry. Yours will arrive @ light speed cuz it's EMS.

His name is Dean Fujioka. So goddamn pretty. If I could just be half as pretty... *-* I wanna watch The Bad Campus Belle, but it's not out yet. u_u

Thanks for understanding. I wanted to slam my head against something. That entry just squeezed the fun outta that particular fandom with too much praise and ass-kissing.

I'm gonna join! XDDD


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