Thanks! It's a photograph I took, virtually in its original state, retouched only to take out a couple extraneous shiny points outside of the main composition.
I took it soon after I got my current camera, to play around with exposure time. This is a 10s exposure in a totally dark room, using a blue LED to trace the light path. The fuzzy effect at the bottom is the light hitting the carpeted floor. ;)
This picture is a couple years old. I'm not sure why I felt compelled to dig it out and post it today.
Comments 5
I took it soon after I got my current camera, to play around with exposure time. This is a 10s exposure in a totally dark room, using a blue LED to trace the light path. The fuzzy effect at the bottom is the light hitting the carpeted floor. ;)
This picture is a couple years old. I'm not sure why I felt compelled to dig it out and post it today.
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