Skittles: Three Musketeers 4.1

Jun 05, 2011 19:07

Hello from the Skitles' gnomes Ken and Ruby!  First chapter for generation 4.  If the text hasn't given it away, the color this time is orange, of course.  :]  When we left off last time Emily had given birth to a baby boy .  30 some odd pictures under the cut.

I don't think Emily wanted to put the baby down.  Anyways, this little boy's name is Andy which is short for Andrew.  Andrew was a friend from highschool.  Okay so I had a crush on him.  :P  Andy's traits are couch potato and brave.  Sounds kinda opposite to me but then what do I know.

Pretty sure I warned him this would happen....

Wedding gifts are great!  Did Emily make you do this?
Geoff:  Yes.... she said I had to write the thank you cards because taking care of Andy was draining.
Hah right.

You can have a cookie if you guess what they're going to do.  :P

Quiet little celebration for Andy toddlerizing.  :]
Geoff:  I want to put him in the stroller.

Emily beat you out, Geoff.

Andy:  I'm adowable.
Indeed you are.  :3

Andy:  Jus wanna go ta sweep mommy.

Andy:  *goes to sleep*
And she keeps going haha

Geoff:  Look at Daddy's big boy!  You're doing great Andy.  
Andy:  Daddy is silly?
Pretty much, kiddo.

Andy:  Dun wanna get off!!

Emily is preggers with #2, now carry on.

Ken:  I found you Ruby.  :D

Dustin:  I feel sparkly... but I still hate these flowers.

Geoff:  I don't want Emily to be sad.
Aww.  :3

Geoff:  I always wanted to be a conductor.  I'm really good at it I swear.  Do you want to see how good I can be at it?  I can show you.
Grim:  My life is so depressing having to listen to sims like him.

The crypt now with Dustin's urn.  Going to miss Dustin most, not gonna lie.  He died right at 90 days.  :/

Emily:  It feels like I'm carrying an elephant.

Not an elephant.  It's a beautiful baby boy that I named Matt.  Matt is for two people: two friends from a forum called Pink Imoen.  :P  Matt hates the outdoors and is neurotic.  Oh joy.

And lookie!  He was lucky enough to get a doll.  Yay!  This is my first doll so this should be fun.  I name his doll Penny.

Andy's such a smartie that he maxed out the peg box and xylophone skills so I get Emily to read to him.

Soon it's time for Matt to turn into a terrific toddler.  Auntie Sierra comes over for this one.  :]

Matt is freaking adorable if I may so say myself.  <3

Andy:  Gonna stick dis in my mouth.
Please for the love of plumbobs don't.

Matt is a really high strung toddler.  Seriously kid, you've got a doll right there you can play with now shush.

Time for Andy to grow up!  Also, Emily is pregnant for the third time.  She wanted a boy with the other two and got what she wanted.  Now she doesn't care.  XD

Andy:  I proclaim this Kingdom of Andy. 
Heh.  Andy here picked up the clumsy trait.

Andy:  Come back spaceship.  I want to meet the aliens!
I suppose we shouldn't tell him there are no aliens in The Sims 3.

Bobbie departs for the afterworld.  Came as a shock actually.  He was playing catch with Geoff when I heard the music.  He made it to 95 days.  See ya later Bobbie.  Sure we'll be seeing you.  :D

Emily pops out baby #3 at home since Geoff was at work (in business) and Andy and Matt were fast asleep.  Three boys.  Hm this should be fun.  XD  This one got the name Sean.  Sean after a "friend"  haha that's funny.  This kiddo gets the good and light sleeper traits.  And now you know why I named this chapter Three Musketeers, right?

Andy:  Your Mom's butt is huge.
Ben:  Um.
That's not nice and she's just over there.  This kid is Ben.  Ben is Bryson's oldest child.  He's a few days older than Andy.

Ben:  I hope he didn't just break Mom's flower vase.
You should be more worried about your teeth.  Andy has one heck of a swing.

Just thought they were cute.  :3  I also realized that Andy looks a whole lot like Geoff.

Now now guys, you can both go in.  No need to fight.

Matt's turn to grow up.  :D

Here's Matt... no wait that's Penny.  XD  I looked back and realize I failed to get a close up of Matt.

I'll leave you here with Matt and Penny holding some potion to make her a real girl.  XD

Next time we'll see what Penny looks like, Sean toddlerizes and something unexpected happens.  Dun dun dun!

sims 3, story, legacy, skittles

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