Skittles: Up and Away 3.3

May 30, 2011 20:49

Hello again!  :D  Flying at you this time is Chapter 3.3  Keith and Emily take this one with Keith raging out Emily stealing the plate he wanted to wash.  XD  This will be a big update.  Really sorry about this.  But there's 60 or so pictures under the cut.

Bryson:  Our house smells like garbage.
No it doesn't.  Your Dad cleans the plates before the flies eat you all....

fjowueojoiwe DAMMIT.  Another burglar.  This makes the 4th time here.  Little Bryson gets up to call the cops so yay him!

Police brutality at its finest, folks.

Whatcha doing Em?
Emily:  I'm practicing being a tree.
Well atleast the kid has ambition.

CHUMCHA!  :D  I do indulge them pizza after school is done for the week.

Hi Sarah!  Enjoying the pizza?
Sarah:  *chew*yes*chew, chew*

I nearly forgotten about Keith's birthday.  D:  Sorry kiddo!

I'm scared.  He looks like a killer with those eyebrows.  CHANNNNGGGEEE.

Well this is awkward... though I'm unsure if it's because she walked in on him or he's peeing with his pants up.

Keith:  I made a gnome!  :D

And then he promptly set his ass on fire, quite literally.

Dustin:  I'm a doctor.  :D
Bobbie:  I slave around this house all day and you don't do anything!

I get the kids to work all on one skill.  Bryson is my little writer.

Oh hell she's a hugger too.

That's one big fish.  :O

Why is she not getting stung?  :l

This is not right.

Anyways this is cousin Stacia.  She's beautiful.  :3

Look at the fangs on that snake.  It's probably planning to eat Bobbie.

Ever used the harvester?  It was fun.  Bobbie spun around and got sick.  Bwahaha!

Synchronized cheering for the win.  XD  Yep the twins grow up.

Emily Skittles!  Emily gained the unlucky trait.  So this pretty lady is an unlucky, athletic, friendly yet insane person.

Bryson Skittles!  Bryson adds the disciplined trait.  He's now a disciplined, light sleeping, clumsy insane dude.

Don't forget about Heather and Keith.  :D

Coworker dude:  You suck at giving shots. 
Dustin:  Well why didn't you just give it to yourself?

I wonder where Emily is....

Homework parties yay!  Okay not really, hw sucks.

Don't know why I took this one but Em is pretty.  :D

Alone time for the lovey birds in the garden.  :]

Keith and Bryson:  UGH go away grandpa!

Woah that's a lotta plates!

Bryson:  *rages*
Keith:  Yep, think I'm gonna fly away from here.
No one blames you.

Sorry dude, she's too young for you.

Bryson:  Omg you stink Keith.
Only it's not Keith, it's you.

Emily:  Ooooh!  *pops bubbles* 
Of course, she's not high.

But she most definitely is.

Maggie:  *thinks about sitting on toilet*

So Keith made a miner.  Figured someone should put shitloads of holes in the yard.

Having problems, Keith?


Heather grows up one morning when everyone is gone except Bobbie.  :]  She gains the Photograhe'rs Eye for her final trait.  All her traits are photograhpher's eye, clumsy, loves the outdoors, good and bookworm.  Her LTW is to be a Dynamic DNA Profiler.  I'm telling you this here instead of the usual picture because you'll see it in the heir poll.

Bobbie no can find potion.  D:

Keith brings home a vamp chick named Sierra.  hurhur

They don't care if you approve, Sierra.

D'aww this giving flowers thing is cute.  :D  And I should tell you, they start dating.

Sibling abuse!

LOLOMG he looks so ridiculous.

This is ttly what Bobbie does when everyone else is at school or work.

Bryson brings home this girl named Joan Burre.  That's the last name my simself had so she's either my simself's grandkid or my simself's ex-husband's.  Yeah, story progression had them divorce when they were pretty old.

Traffic jam for entrance to the prom.  Prom was pretty cool.  Emily got prom queen and Keith got prom king.  Yeah that must have been weird.  Emily scored a random romantic interest so yay!

Birfdai for Keith!  I invite a buttload of people including Sarah, Stacia, all the kids romantic interests and then a few randoms popped in including my simself's son.  hurhur But my simself is long dead.  Like back when Maggie died.

Anyways Keith gets the vegetarian trait.  Leaves him a heavy sleeping, eccentric genius who can play the heck out of instruments and doesn't eat meat.  His most wanted wish is to create 3 mosters!  Oh my!

Next I send his girl Sierra to the cake since she's a vamp and won't grow up for who knows how long if I don't.  And yes, I have a few borked meshes whatever that I'm too lazy to weed out.

Heather finally hits it off with this guy named Justin.  Sorta sad she's the oldest and last to find love.  :l

Keith graduates from high school.  :D

I was happy to see other kids there graduating too.  Made it more awesome.  And afterwards I sent them all out for lunch.

FINALLY!  I've been wanting one of these haha

Heather and Justin go on a date to the park.


It's okay.  A crying toddler might make me drop the box too.  :P

But in the end she gets it right and he accepts.  :]]

Dustin:  Crap my back hurts....

Dustin:  ... ah hell I'm old.
Indeed you are, love.

For their last two days of teenagerdom I sent Bryson and Emily off to boarding schools.  Here they are coming home.  :D  Bryson picked up the artistic trait making him an artistic, insane, clumsy, disciplined and light sleeper.  Bryson's dearest ambition is to be the master of the arts.

And Emily who gained the disciplined trait.  Final traits for her are disciplined, unlucky, insane, friendly, and athletic.  Her LTW is perfect mind, perfect body.

Phew!!  Got them all raised to young adulthood.  And you made it through all the pictures.  Hope you liked as usual!  Now you know why I had so many pictures right?  Heir poll will be on Snooty's as usual.  Please vote.  I have no favorite.  I love them all and can't wait to see which will be heir.  :D

sims 3, story, legacy, skittles

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