Skittles: Sob Story 3.1

May 25, 2011 23:26

When we last left off our first child of the 3rd gen, Heather, was born.  Speaking of Heather, here's her grandfather, Storm, stealing her candy for like the 3rd time.  He probably gave it to her to begin with being his senile self.  Of course, this is gen RED.  :D  And this chapter is called Sob Story because.. well you'll have to see!  49 pictures under the cut.

Storm:  I sure do love you. 
Maggie:  Love you too. 
Oh hell I indulge them.  The old people aren't long for this world.

Bobbie:  Babies, babies, babies.
Yeah we know you're preggers again. 
Dustin was reading.  Finding time for his research is getting tough.

Dysfunctional family much?  I think so.

Bobbie:  I 'm such a hot pregnant momma.
Back away slowly people.

Storm:  Hey son, I feel kinda funny.
Dustin:  *falls out his chair*

And with that Storm makes his exit.  I hope the after world has a lot of diamond heists for him to participate in.  Storm was a cool dude.  He is survived by his wife, Maggie, children Sarah and Dustin and granddaughter, Heather.  See ya around, Storm!

Grim has freaking anger issues.

Maggie:  So Grim, can I have my plate back now?

Poor little Heather sparkles into toddlerhood alone because everyone is too pissy about Storm's death.  D:

She got Dustin's hair and the brown eyes that Bobbie and Dustin both have.  I think she looks a lot like Bobbie.  She even got his Dumbo ears.  XD

Maggie's over 90 days now and doesn't do much but garden so I have her help out.  :D

Home birth because Dustin and Maggie were at work.  So welcome to the world little one!  This one I named Keith after the little boy who lived across the street from me as a kid that we played with all the time.  ha  Anyways his traits are heavy sleeper and virtuoso.  He likes classical music, ratatouille, and purple.

You're doing it... well... RIGHT.  Good job kiddo since your aunt Sarah always got it wrong.

I decide that since I'm not making any progress on Bobbie's LTW right now that I'll let him invent shit.  He's not very good at it anyways.

Here's the house.  I kept forgetting to take pictures of it.  Downstairs we have the master bedroom with bathroom (which is Maggie's).  And the nursery and the newly made study.

Upstairs is Dustin and Bobbie's bedroom.  It's the one next to the bathroom.  The other room was Sarah's.  As soon as Heather hits child it'll be redone and be hers.

Last but not least is the basement where all the dead people will hang out.

Maggie takes practicing her insane looks very seriously, kay?

Oops?  Okay I admit, I was responsible for this.  She got singed and I charged on.  She was 94 years old.  D:  I'm sorry, Maggie.  But yeah.  Anyways, I did love Maggie.  So quirky and she made me lol.  She'll be around I'm sure.  :D

Dustin:  OMG Mom.. hm at least it smells nice in here.
Probably like pork roast.

Bobbie:  I'm going to honor Maggie's memory by taking care of her garden.
D'aww that's sweet.  :3

Dustin:  High heels are fabulous!
Heather:  No want, Daddy.

Excuse the plumbob, I suck.  Anyways we have a birthday party for Keith and Sarah runs straight to play with Heather.  Sarah here has two kids of her own btw.  A girl named Stacia and a son named Leland.  I have no idea where these names come from.  WTH EA?

So like I said, a birthday.  :D
Bobbie:  I just want cake.

Dustin:  Hey sis, long time no see.  I missed you!
Sarah:  That's nice, get your arm out of me.

Keith!  He has Bobbie's hair color?  Least I'm pretty sure it is.  And those eyes, dunno where they came from.  He looks mostly like Dustin though.

He's a really demanding toddler.  It's amazing how pissy he can be.

HI MAGGIE!  :D  No toilets in the afterworld?

Oh I see.
Maggie:  Stupid boys don't' know to clean a danged toilet.
This is true.  Thanks Maggie!  :D

Bobbie:  Okay Heather, here's your baby food.  Just gonna shove some down your throat.. feed you some.
Must be the silly pregnancy hormones.

Bobbie:  I've got to get it OUT NOW.
You can't claw it out, Bobbie.  Chill out. 
My bad on the no pregnancy pics thing but once you've seen a pregnant man once you kinda don't need to relive it.

Into the madness, Bryson is born.  Bryson was a child I babysat frequently when I was a teen.  He's a clumsy insane person.  He likes to eat his crepes while listening to Chinese music in a red room.  Or maybe he will.  Little young to gum crepes.

Imagine my horror when he pops out another.  TWINS.  Anyways, this one I named Emily after another kid I used to babysit when I was a teen.  Emily is an insane yet friendly person.  I feel this must be Maggie's revenge.  Em here likes lime, Egyptian music and autumn salads in the park.

Babies to my left....

... babies to my right.  Oh my.

Dustin:  I has babies.  :D
You're only happy because you have work soon.
Dustin:  Hehehe yeah.

We should get this kid into the circus.


Babysitter:  I'd buy you flowers if you were my man.
I think he's smelled one too many diapers.  The hubby is over there, silly.

jdsufowj somehow Keith learns his last skill.  Thank plumbobs!  Why I want them to grow up well, I don't know.  It's not like I get to pick their traits anyways.

Bobbie:  OMG I have four kids!
Little slow on the uptake me thinks.

Heahter:  Why is dis kid playing wif my xylophone?!?
Keith:  *slobbers on it*  It's mine now.  :D

Triple birthday.  *cries*  Heather, Emily and Bryson all grow up.

Dustin:  I gotta go to work.  Byeeee!
How opportunistic...

Ah the smell of glitchfest.  :D

I freaking love that children can give toddlers bottles.  I was in a real mess.  Bobbie was dead tired, Dustin was at work and well you can imagine how hard it is to take care of three toddlers right?

Heather:  I want to go play blocks now.
Well alrighty little miss sassy.  Go on girl.  :P  And Heather's third trait is good.  So she's a good, clumsy kid that loves the outdoors.

Emily all made over.  Bobbie's hair color and beautiful blue eyes out of nowhere.  :3  Looks more like Dustin.

Bryson!  Looks like a little Bobbie clone down to the ears.

That's it!  Come back to see if I survive?  There probably won't be anymore babies but hey you never know.  Dustin was at level 7 on his career.  Maybe he makes it?  Hopefully we'll see more of Sarah and meet her kids.  :D  Oh and if you didn't figure it out, this chapter was named Sob Story because that's all I freaking hear: someone crying or someones.

sims 3, story, legacy, skittles

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