Title: Maybe never
Pairing: unrequited Santana/Rachel, mentions of Rachel/Brittany
Rating:PG-13 for the swearing
Length: + 2200
Spoilers: Up to Duets.
Disclaimer: nothing is mine, unfortunately
Summary: She could get any boy she wanted, but no, she had to fall for Rachel freaking Berry.
A/N: English is not my first language so thanks to
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Comments 5
That aside, imagine my surprise when I saw you posted this one-shot...
It's really well written, and the feelings of loss, pain, lust and love were so real.
The lyrics of the song were perfect and the despair... OMG!!!
I have to ask... what possessed you to write such an angstsy piece... where's my fluff????
My poor heart is aching for Santana, because no matter what, who can hate Brittany and Rachel for being happy...
I need fluff, STAT!!!!!
I was worried it wasn't enough angst to be classified as such...I'm glad that I was wrong LOL
I don't know if I'm more happy that you think it was well written or that I managed to convey Santana's feelings.
I wrote it this summer, but if you think this is bad, you should be happy that I never got to write the other one I had in mind...it was so much worse :) But now it's better, so I plan to write only fluff, don't worry XD
'Where's my fluff????' LOL I don't know how much 'soon' will be, but you'll get your fluff.
P.S. Actually the reply will be late, because I had an half idea...what would do you think about twisting drunk!story a bit? :)
If you're hinting to what I'm hoping about certain occurrences between our favourite brunettes and a certain blonde dancer, then yeah, twist away ;-)
I apologize for being such a brat and not bothering to ever see if you had anything I could read.
This was really well written. A little too sad for my liking. [[I only like fluff or angst with a happy ending]. But I liked it :]
And really, you just read the only angst piece I wrote...everything else is usually so fluffy that you have to go to the dentist after reading :)
But I'm glad that you liked it anyway
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