Right, so this is lifted off... everyone, really. Funny how doing this helped me realise what a weird year it has been, writing-wise.
Star Trek Reboot
Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours) 11k
This Is How You Remind Me 6.2k
Paws and Whiskers 4.3k
Papers in the Roadside 50k
Phosphenes 3k
Not Set in Stone 3.2k
Their Own Private Pace 2k
Noble Intentions 2k
Pockets Full Of Stones (Lay Me Down) 3.6k
Let Us Dare 30k
Same River Twice 22k
This year I wrote and posted:
11 fics, 137 800 words
Unpublished fics/WIPs:
Aurora 10.4k
Untitled commission fic ST 4k
Untitled commission fic ST 2k
reel_merlin submission 13.6k
current Merlin WIP untitled 17k
DNSB Part V 4k
smaller fics approximate total 6k
Total started but not completed this year:
~ 60 400 words
Overall Thoughts:
I’ve slowed down for no objective reason that I can name. The longest fic I’ve written this year (
ST Big Bang 50k) was mostly written last year and only somewhat haphazardly edited this summer. The general slowing down of the ST fandom has hit me pretty badly. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I can’t express to which degree I am uninspired to write Jim and Spock right now. I have some idea as to why, and I blame JJ entirely, and I’m not sure if I can get that feeling back, the one that prompted me to write and write and write these characters no matter what. I certainly hope I can, because it weirds me out.
On the other hand, I finally lost my Merlin virginity. After two and a half years of lurking in that fandom, I started writing for it, and at the moment it’s making me very happy, despite the crap that the show itself pulls. No, I don’t know what this is about, either. Just, right now, Merlin is my happy place. Go figure.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I don’t think I made any predictions. Looking at the figures now, I almost can’t believe I’ve written so little. I guess I’ve not been in the muses’s good graces this year.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
I’m a sick puppy. I did some pretty scary things this year, especially on certain kink memes, but I know myself well enough to say that, while I hadn’t exactly predicted it, I can’t say I’m surprised, either.
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Let Us Dare. I can’t remember the last time a story was that much fun to write. I’m beginning to think it was never. That story had everything I love about writing: a tale to tell, the ‘tale is writing itself’ quality that I adore so much, characters that I love playing with, and I didn’t even have to hurt them. From the moment I saw that prompt, I wanted it (to a ridiculous degree really), and I still can’t believe I was the one who wrote that story. I almost never like my own writing, so trust me, it’s saying something that I’m so much in love with this one.
What's your least favorite story of the year?
Papers in the Roadside. I whined about it enough all over the place, so I won’t repeat myself. I can’t look at that one without wincing.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
That sometimes I give people less credit than they deserve. When I wrote
Pockets Full Of Stones and warned that the relationship between Merlin and Arthur wasn’t sexual in that one, I expected most people to skip it completely and if they didn’t - to hate it wholeheartedly, because of what the story is like. I was pleasantly surprised, shocked even, with the reception that story had. I felt like I wasn't alone in what I was feeling, and that was precious.
From my past year of writing, what was....
My best story of this year:
Let Us Dare, hands down.
My most popular story of this year:
Same River Twice. I’ve honest to God NO IDEA what people see in that one.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Yeah, I got nothing. Fandom has been no more or less kind to me than usual. Of course, one always wants more especially for the stories one likes best, but that’s normal, right? ;)
Most fun story to write:
Let Us Dare, with
Pockets Full of Stones coming in close second. That last one wasn’t exactly ‘fun’ to write per se, but it was also one of those self-writing tales and it was quite cathartic.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Let Us Dare. I like the sex scene in that one, which happens to me even more rarely than me actually liking my own stories.
Huh. It would appear like I haven’t written much smut this year at all. I need to rectify this, methinks…
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
Like I said, I’m a sick puppy, so probably none.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Pockets Full of Stones. It’s not that I didn’t see the potential for this kind of thing for them before, but it was with this story that it’d taken shape in my head.
Hardest story to write:
Papers in the Roadside. It started off as a happy-go-lucky walk in the park and ended up being a slow, never-ending torture.
Biggest Disappointment:
Same River Twice. I ran out of inspiration, or was just tired, or something. I started three different stories for three different prompts, until finally there was no time left and I had no choice but to work on this one. It’s not bad bad, but it’s like a string of one cliché after another. I actually like stories like that when someone else writes them, because everyone and their mother do it better and their stories make me happy. When I write things like that myself, though, I want to strangle myself a lot.
Biggest Surprise:
The aforementioned
Pockets Full of Stones for a number of reasons. Also
Let Us Dare, because I still don’t know exactly how it was me who wrote it. Also the reception that
Signed, Sealed, Delivered got, because I’m pretty sure it’s my most popular Trek story to date, and it’s not that I dislike it or anything, but I don’t exactly get it, either.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
Probably none. I don’t know why, as all my writing is pretty personal. I’d say all Merlin fics I’ve written this year, but they’re only telling to me, because I know what I meant at every given moment. I doubt they’re truly revealing to anyone not privy to what’s happening under my skull. Maybe I’m wrong.
I must finish all my commissions. I don’t think I’ll be taking more, because with all my past experiences, done and not, I feel trapped and constricted and end up hating my own writing in the end and feeling guilty for not delivering what the recipient wanted.
I have several fascinating plot bunnies for Merlin frolicking around my head, and I’m really looking forward to working on them.
I also really want to finish Aurora, and get a grip and write Part V of you know what. If you know any voodoo magic to help me get there, now’s the time. Hell, always is the time. :D
Thank you, 2011, for everything. Looking forward to 2012. ;)