
Oct 03, 2011 00:46

Never thought I'd be one of those posting pictures of pretty boys in her blog, but damn, Colin is impossible to resist. (Also, I should spend less time browsing people's tumblrs when I'm supposed to work...)

le sigh )

fascinating, not writing, colin morgan is out to get me, fangirl moment, why kiana

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Comments 6

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kianspo October 2 2011, 21:14:09 UTC
LOL. Kinda hard to imagine him blond. *g*


nahara October 2 2011, 21:37:48 UTC
Haha! You're such a gonner...


kianspo October 2 2011, 21:48:35 UTC
Right, rub it in, why don't you? *g*

Your turn will come. :P


ariadnechan October 3 2011, 00:10:15 UTC
he is really cute!
and i love his character and his character in the doctor who special with David Tennant


alwaysmsmiller October 3 2011, 02:10:57 UTC
I can understand how beautiful Colin Morgan is. It's the cheek bones that get me every time.


kuhekabir October 3 2011, 07:14:04 UTC
Well, he is kind of pretty...I could stare at him for hours... :)


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