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Sep 28, 2011 12:40

I'm not even going to say anything about Delicious. All I have are swear words anyway. What is it with you people and the '/'?? Do you hate slash or something? Even LJ left it the hell alone. What happened to search by tag? What happened to seeing more than 10 bm per page? Why do I have a profile image that looks like a talking banana??? You've no ( Read more... )

blowing shit up is not therapy, technofail, rant

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Comments 20

merkuria September 28 2011, 08:52:37 UTC
I'm still at the stage when I'm staring at the whole thing in abject horror. I don't even have all my delicious bookmarks exported. I am this close to crying.


kianspo September 28 2011, 08:56:59 UTC
I think you still can export them... for all the good it'll do you. Oh well, at least you won't lose them completely, I suppose?


makowe_pola September 28 2011, 09:12:54 UTC
I am so glad now that I was always too lazy to sort my bookmarks into bundles. And that they are mostly work related. But that doesn't stop me from crying over what they've done (all the beautiful rec-list! Community bookmarks, memes!) and that they don't seem to have any backup and just went and deleted everything in one go.

But is this just me or all the sites recently went through failed lift up? Beta test, people :/


kianspo September 28 2011, 10:52:16 UTC
It sounds to me like a whole bunch of people trying to prove to their employers that that aren't paid for no reason. Nothing good ever comes out of that.


makowe_pola September 28 2011, 13:14:30 UTC
It sounds to me like a whole bunch of people trying to prove to their employers that that aren't paid for no reason.

Sadly there's no-one from the Contact with Customers Dept., Meeting Customers' Needs Division. :/


kianspo September 28 2011, 17:14:40 UTC


shiny_starlight September 28 2011, 12:12:19 UTC
I nearly cried when I saw how much they had fucked up the site. I've managed to export my links to Diigo, but they're all over the place. I had almost 3,000 links on there, and my stomach just dropped when I saw how much they had fucked it up. God, I'm still inarticulate with rage after this.


kianspo September 28 2011, 13:02:55 UTC
Yeah, I tried Diigo, too. Same story, all bm messed up, all for the same date, no organization...

Just this horrible urge to strangle someone.


afallenseraphim September 28 2011, 13:01:49 UTC

As long as there are greedy fucks who are only concerned with having the next Twitter or Facebook, power-users and fandom-based users like us who actually get functionality out of features like *tagging* will always get discarded in favor of dogs in silly costumes.

I spring hope eternal that, now that we've been delivered this massive slap in the face, it will actually motivate a dedicated group of people (I've already offered my services, whatever they may be, to those who have asked) to create what could essentially be a fandom-geared Delicious alternative, just as was done by Dreamwidth and AO3 when LJ and FF.Net started fucking its users about and fan communities we like 'we ain't gonna take it anymore'.


kianspo September 28 2011, 13:08:59 UTC
I heard there are people who are thinking of starting such a venture. I don't have much money to donate to development, but I sure as hell will pay for their service if they ever get it up and running. This shit right here? Is just too fucking much.


(The comment has been removed)

kianspo September 28 2011, 17:15:12 UTC
Yep, it's pretty bad.


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