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Comments 21

merkuria May 30 2011, 19:38:45 UTC
I am not complaining. In fact, keep'em coming, because hot damn...


kianspo May 30 2011, 19:41:54 UTC
God, I know... *groans* It's just a survival thing, 'kay? They keep getting better, too... *headdesk*


merkuria May 30 2011, 20:10:27 UTC
I've waited long enough to see him with longer hair, and now I'm enjoying the hell out of all the pics.


kianspo May 30 2011, 20:12:37 UTC
RIGHT? I hate it when they chop it off real short. He's adorable either way, but he looks BLOODY GORGEOUS with slightly longer hair.

I wonder why Merlin has to wear his hair real short, he's a slob after all, he could have gotten away with it easily. I'm not saying aristocratic long, just well, Colin-long. ;)


kuhekabir May 30 2011, 19:53:55 UTC
What photoshoot? Do you have a link?


kianspo May 30 2011, 19:58:32 UTC
Um, the photoshoot from That Magazine, I don't really have a link, those photos have been around all the Merlin comms for a while now...

ETA: Some are here among the latest:


kuhekabir May 31 2011, 06:33:49 UTC
Thank you! I haven't been visiting any coms lately so I totally missed this! I am going to go stare at the pics now for a little while, thank you! :)


kianspo May 31 2011, 07:57:48 UTC
It might take a while, yeah... Just saying. ;)


ariadnechan May 30 2011, 20:04:16 UTC
i love him and bradly so keep coming!

but where they are coming that i didn't see them??

also do you have a tumbrl and i don't have it??


kianspo May 30 2011, 20:09:02 UTC
LOL! No worries, I don't have a tumblr, I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. *g* No, I'm just checking out a couple sometimes. ;)


antesqueluz May 30 2011, 20:56:21 UTC
oh my! :-O


kianspo May 30 2011, 21:12:46 UTC
*nods* I know.


melooza May 30 2011, 21:25:38 UTC
Gah this reminds me I need to read more Merlin slash!


kianspo May 30 2011, 21:38:04 UTC
Couldn't hurt. ;)


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