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Comments 26

laureen May 7 2011, 22:45:07 UTC
I haven't watched, and now I'm terrified to. We need a fix-it? OMG. *scared* Spoil me? Please?


kianspo May 7 2011, 22:53:53 UTC
Well... everything we dreaded would blow up in our faces? Did.


laureen May 7 2011, 22:57:42 UTC




*scrambles for her download of last night's Supernatural*


kianspo May 7 2011, 22:58:46 UTC
*sends alcohol and tissues your way*


makowe_pola May 7 2011, 22:51:22 UTC
We should. Maybe group sessions will be cheaper?

As for the episode... wow.


kianspo May 7 2011, 22:55:58 UTC
I've said a lot of angry words over here at twisting-vine-x's journal. Wrote a short comment fic for the meme, too. So far? I'm not feeling much better.


makowe_pola May 8 2011, 08:55:44 UTC
Well, I think I would need therapy for many different reasons than you. So the group session isn't possible now D: I was looking forward to it :<

I told you once that I take story for what it is, without really going into subtext, reading between the lines and I rarely analyse the characters' traits and behaviour like you do. So I think it let me enjoy this episode as angsty bow to the fangirls with a lot of hinting at supposed relationship between Dean and Castiel. I never expected something deep and coherent from a series that is made solely because of the fans' demand, I want a cool story and was given one. Seeing some fail!episodes in the middle of the season I can tell this was one of the best- script and production wise both; since it finally made me wait in anticipation for the next episode.


kianspo May 8 2011, 09:21:47 UTC
I don't really think this one required a lot of analysis on my part, tbh... And that's part of the problem for me. If the thing on the very surface, the most obvious thing ever, is in the end the only thing there is to it, it's... I dunno. Flat? One-dimensional? Disappointing? For me, of course. I'm speaking for myself here.

So, what would you need therapy for, then? ;)


to_question May 7 2011, 23:17:42 UTC
Okay, I'm just going to delete this from my DVR. It's much easier to pretend it never happened if I never see it happen.


kianspo May 7 2011, 23:25:25 UTC
I sort of wish I could delete it from reality along with the upcoming finale. *sighs* Yeah.


lorelei76 May 8 2011, 02:17:42 UTC
*in a very small voice* I'm kinda loving where this is going: I felt like Cas had been terribly underused during this season. He was the failsafe: shit going south? Call Cas! Don't know what to do next? Call Cas! Out of beer? Call Cas! and he gets sent away by the Winchesters without a "Man, you're the best. Thanks for all your help, we don't know what we would've done without you." He pops in for a few seconds of fanservice, does his angelic thing, and then it's done.

I've been hoping for more explanation of what exactly was going on in heaven - at least we got a glimpse of this. I like Cas' slow slide towards the dark (or human?) side. Lucifer's not the only one with Daddy issues; Cas is still looking to his Father for guidance, when he should be owning up to the decisions he's making.

TL;DR: I thought this was a great character exploration of Cas' slow slide away from Angel to...something else.


kianspo May 8 2011, 09:13:58 UTC
Haha, no need for small voices, bb ( ... )


nahara May 8 2011, 13:02:22 UTC
How depressing . . . *sigh* Show? What are you thinking? There has got to be some better explanations in the season finale or I'm kicking some ass. As far as I can see it, Cas made a mistake (Maybe. I think trying to avert ANOTHER apocalypse and making sure Sam and Dean's sacrifices didn't go to waste are pretty good reasons) and his only family are abandoning him like a pariah. How can Dean do that? I've never known him to abandon someone he cares for - ever. To err is human; to forgive, divine. -- They've never seen Castiel so human, so lost, and now is when they choose to walk away. Well done, guys. Stellar move. Oh. And Sam? You don't have a moral leg to stand on, dude.


kianspo May 8 2011, 13:27:37 UTC
Yes, this was a really classy move on the part of the Winchesters, and I never wanted to bitchslap Sam more in my entire life. And as for Dean, frankly, I'm tired of him being perched on that high horse of his. I'd really think that he of all people should be more understanding.

I'm still not sure exactly what Dean thought he could do if Cas came to him instead. Oh, wait a minute, I do know. He'd bitch and whine about how he'd just averted an Apocalypse and is bloody tired of angels and demons and the hunt and life in general so everyone could bloody well fuck off. Somehow, I can see that scene playing out in my mind all too clearly...

So yeah, stellar job, boys. With the addition of Ben and Lisa to the finale, how can it possibly not top this magnificent performance?


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