Kick me! Or possibly kink me! Anyway, Drabble Fest!

Apr 21, 2010 18:52

Hey guys,

So I'm finishing Arc 4 for DNSB (imagine that) and the boys have been misbehaving so badly they kinda drained my energy. Or maybe it's this damn April rain we've been having for like a week. So, let's play and get my brain restarted, shall we?

The first 5 people to comment with a pairing and a no-longer-than-three-word prompt will get a ( Read more... )

prompt game, talk to me, meme time, comment fic

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Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 08:25:27 UTC
So, it's not entirely my fault it turned out this way. Those are all BIG D-words.

Jim lifts his eyes from the PADD and stares at McCoy blankly. “I don’t think I’ve ever gotten your sense of humor, Bones.”

“It’s not a joke, Jim.”

“You’re leaving. You’re leaving?”

“I asked to be reassigned and I was. I’m here as a courtesy only, Captain.”

“Dammit, Bones, don’t do this. We’re friends.”

McCoy laughs out loud, a clipped, bitter sound spilling from his throat like acid. “If that’s how you see it.”


“What? Fucking what, Jim? Since this isn’t the day we met, I’m gonna think you’re not being deliberately cruel. Just stupid.”

“Bones, don’t-”

“Friends?” McCoy growls. “Friends, Jim? You think I dragged myself after you into space which I hate because you’re my friend? You think I swallow bullets and get hit and bleed all over the goddamn transporter pad which gives me the creeps because you’re my friend? Are you blind, Jim ( ... )


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 13:37:02 UTC
Okay, now you're just trying to make me cry. But you cannot make me cry! *sniffles*

As I was writing the prompt, I thought, this could totally go in a bad direction. Poor Jim! And poor, poor Bones! Waiting and wanting and having to watch (alliteration was totally unintentional this time) as Jim pursued other people, keeping the boundary up between them. I don't want Bones to go!!!!!!!!!

Btw, thank you for writing this. It was excellent.


Re: Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 13:57:22 UTC
I'm really not, I swear, BB! It's just that, well, those words they kinda set me on an angsty track, and I do have this flaw, I guess, as some have noted, when I write angst I write angst. That's how my brain works. >.<

I don't want Bones to go, either, or maybe I do. I have Jim's reasoning tentatively drawn out, but it's too long a story to tell. They're both hurt here, and I don't believe it's the journey's end.


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 14:21:13 UTC
"I have Jim's reasoning tentatively drawn out, but it's too long a story to tell."

You're a sadist.

I can't believe you just put that out there and are planning NOT to write something. NOW I'm going to cry. *bawls*


Re: Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 14:26:25 UTC
Oh my God, don't let lowcutjeans hear you. She tells me I'm a sadist 5 times a day as it is.

I'm not 'planning'. Just saying, you know. Totally different.


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 14:30:12 UTC
*cries harder*


Re: Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 14:36:44 UTC
*offers a tissue*


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 13:41:09 UTC
I had to read it again.

These are my favorite lines:
"...but you can’t find it in yourself to open your goddamn eyes and see that we aren’t friends!”
“You’ve always been a friend to me, Bones.”
“Stay,” he breathes, pulling away.
McCoy looks at him, seeing the struggle clear on his face, as Jim searches, relentlessly, for something - anything - that will make McCoy change his mind. McCoy doesn’t give him a chance to do so.

Okay, maybe I'm tearing up like a little bit. I can't help it. I love the angst! With happy endings. I can't believe there isn't a happy ending. So cruel.


Re: Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 13:58:29 UTC
Write one! There's enough room for a happy ending here. ;)


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 14:19:36 UTC

The point here is not for ME to write a happy ending! I have craploads of shit to write--you would not believe. ST is not my only fandom--only the one I love the most right now. The point is for YOU to make it better! Make it better, kianspo! Pweeeeeeeeeassseeee?


Re: Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 14:24:27 UTC
Yes, because I totally don't have a huge WIP to write among other things... :P


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 14:27:48 UTC
I don't know. *peers at your WIP list* Are you writing a lot of stuff? I remember you saying you were working on DNSB, but are you writing more on top of that, too? *____*


Re: Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 14:38:44 UTC
I don't even know what to say to this. Ahem. And if I name them all, people are gonna hate me so much more. /O\


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 14:51:43 UTC
What if we compare WIP lists?! And whoever has the shortest list will write the happy ending? *smile brightly*


Re: Enough kianspo April 23 2010, 14:59:28 UTC
I have another idea. What if we remember whose OTP this is and blue_jack, oops, scratch that, I meant and this person will write the happy ending? :D


Re: Enough blue_jack April 23 2010, 16:20:58 UTC

It's not my OTP exactly. It's just the pair I write. I actually think I'm an OT3 girl, but writing Spock is a little intimidating. I don't know why. But I love Kirk and Spock together, too.


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