Prompts wanted!

Oct 16, 2009 22:06

Okay, guys, here's the deal. I'm working on a larger piece now (Don't Stop Believing, if you're interested), and sometimes I need a break. I find that I'm gladly writing short stories, like Shock Therapy or Personal Diplomacy to take my mind off things and get a move on the major thing. The problem is, the part of my brain responsible for plot development is currently completely occupied and when I want to write a short story I can't think of one! So, need your help, really. I'd use the kink meme and the like, but technically right now it's not an option for me as I'm constantly on the move and my internet time is limited.

Anyway PROMPTS WANTED! If you have a story (preferably not too epic) in mind and want me to write it -- leave comments to this post with your ideas. I don't promise I'll fill them, but I just might. ;)

Pairings I accept:

Kirk/Spock -- OTP, obviously ;)
Spock/McCoy -- I have a soft spot for this one lately
Spock/anyone    -- depends on prompt
Kirk/McCoy -- not my pairing, but I might try
Pike/anyone -- depends on prompt
3-somes -- will consider

Will write darker fics, angsty fics, fluffy fics. Really, just give it your best shot. :D

*sticks post*

Edited: I have un-stuck this post, but it's still active and open. Prompt away!

prompt game, not writing, comment fic

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