Parked review (sorta)

Apr 06, 2012 22:23

So I did my best to be done with 'that thing from hell' so that I could watch this. I've been waiting a long time for a chance to see this film, and if you're looking for some kind of in-depth review or something, that's probably not going to happen. ;)

Cut for spoilers (not much of those, but still) )

colin morgan is out to get me, personal log, i'm in love, stuff, i'm in deep, good things do happen, spoiler alert

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Comments 4

darlulu April 7 2012, 13:14:23 UTC
I didn't think I'd be able to handle seeing Parked, but this bit that you said - To me, the main idea that was not so subtly communicated was that even when we're at our lowest, most useless, most self-destructive we can actually be a positive influence on someone else's life, and not just as a scary example. This was lovely as sentiments go. - has me rethinking my position 'cause that really is a lovely (and rather rare) sentiment I'd like to see more of in the movies I watch.


kianspo April 7 2012, 13:47:40 UTC
Well... yes. There is that. I'd probably watch anything as long as it had Colin in it, but as films go, this was a good one. At the very least it made me much less uncomfortable than Island.


lulabel April 8 2012, 19:41:45 UTC
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the movie. I'm also a fan of Colm Meany as well as Colin, so I'll have to try to see this.

And yes, Colin always looks beautiful. It's hard to disguise or cover up such amazing bone structure.


kianspo April 9 2012, 06:34:53 UTC
LOL. I don't think it's all about the bone structure, but it IS hard to cover up whatever it is... ;)

Colm Meany was fantastic in this. *nods*


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