Morgan. Colin Morgan.

Mar 12, 2012 18:16

Reposting because I can't not, okay?
If you need me, I'm in a heap in the corner drooling to death.


colin morgan is out to get me, fangirl moment, i'm in love, i'm in deep

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Comments 12

merkuria March 12 2012, 14:26:53 UTC
I know how you feel. I mean, wow.


kianspo March 12 2012, 14:36:31 UTC
I need someone to snap fingers in front of my face or something. Like now.


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kianspo March 12 2012, 14:59:45 UTC
Huh. You know, it almost feels like Colin's response to the knights' Gay Times shoot. In a way. *g* Hm.


inu_spockya March 12 2012, 21:05:07 UTC
mmm, that's a bit of all right, innit then? don't reckon I'd kick him oot me bedroll... XDDD

gay times shoot? *raises eyebrow* ooh, tell us more....


kianspo March 12 2012, 21:18:48 UTC
Haha, oh no, I don't imagine anyone would. XD

Yep, I was talking about this shoot the knights did in September? I think?


inu_spockya March 13 2012, 00:30:29 UTC
oh *very* nice! Wolfie approves, two dicks up for this one! XDD


kianspo March 13 2012, 01:04:25 UTC


rinsbane March 12 2012, 23:36:08 UTC
Ok, that's awesome.


kianspo March 13 2012, 01:04:41 UTC
Right? :D


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kianspo March 13 2012, 01:09:13 UTC
LOL. I won't do either, I've been checking tumblr and some people have really weird reactions, which I don't get at all, but I guess every fangirl (or fanboy for that matter) is a special snowflake, so really, peace out, whatever. :D

*shrugs* It's a different style and setting for him, but personally I like it. He looks like he's gained a little weight and I hope he has and it's not a camera trick, because that'd be good for him. Also, I'm dying to see the rest of the shoot. ;)


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