Epilogues and DVD commentaries

Feb 28, 2012 18:26

So someone asked questions about what happened after Same River Twice ended, and before I knew it I was thinking about it and came up with an after-epilogue epilogue. Which was more fun than I thought it could be, and so if anyone has any questions about what happened after any other stories' endings -- hit me. It might even help me get back into ( Read more... )

why kiana, help me i'm creative, talk to me, meme time, i've no shame why do you ask, i'm in deep

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Comments 7

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kianspo February 28 2012, 19:53:42 UTC
LOL. Fair enough. ;)


aprilleigh24 February 28 2012, 17:47:08 UTC
(as if I need an excuse to reread your lovely fic- there went my morning...)

How about this bit from my fav fic ever, Chasing the Sunrise

At that point, Spock’s social skills were a strange combination of over- and underdeveloped. As a son of a Federation Ambassador, he was schooled in dozens of social guidelines practically from the moment he learned to talk. Sarek considered it necessary to occupy as much of his son’s time with studying as possible, and, in his view, diplomatic education was an ideal outlet for Spock’s excessive energy. Since he was twelve, Spock had worked as Sarek’s de facto aide alongside trained diplomats who were actually paid for it ( ... )


kianspo February 28 2012, 20:18:20 UTC
Okay then... *cracks fingers ( ... )


aprilleigh24 February 29 2012, 05:39:05 UTC
I kinda feel silly for asking about this bit, because everything you just wrote out was already perfectly conveyed within the story. But hey, I got to read more about you talking about Spock, so I can't regret that. :)

I always I love how much I love Spock after reading your stories. guh.

Thanks for this! (hope all is well)


kianspo February 29 2012, 10:57:38 UTC
Well, at least we found out that I actually said what I meant with the story and not something else entirely. That's something. ;)

All is... here and there these days. But it'll be okay. Eventually. :)


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kianspo February 28 2012, 19:54:23 UTC
Haha, feel free. Only WIPs are exempt, the rest is fair game. :D


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kianspo February 29 2012, 11:14:58 UTC
LOL. I guess something has to be said about the whole Cinderella-like feel to both Kirk and Spock's stories. Unwarranted grievances that make us sympathize with them and want to give them the happiest ending ever for it.

This was one of the earliest stories I've written in Reboot. Basically, I just followed the prompt outline, since I couldn't resist a bit of hurt/comfort when Spock was the one hurt. I think he's quite a bit OOC in this, but not in a way that personally annoys me. *g*

Spock is a pretty reserved guy. For him to get anywhere with anyone, he has to open up a bit. His problem is -- he can't open up 'a bit.' He's a bit extreme, so he's either all in or all out. Hence me only allowing him to fall to pieces when I know he's with someone he can trust to put him back together. At the time, I still didn't think too highly of Reboot Kirk, but I was willing to take a leap of faith because of TOS and all. :)


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