[FF] Indefineable Affair [3/?]

Jan 01, 2008 21:25

Title: Indefineable Affair
Author: Marcia_Rawks
Pairing(s): G/G ... and some Tom OC's and Bill OC's hinted or implied.
Rating: Will easily get to R18
Disclaimer: Not Real. Never Happened. Not Mine.
Warnings: At the moment NOTHING.. but theres a chance that may change
Summary: Georg is in Love with Gustav. Does Gustav know?
Author's notes This is a Series.. and ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

sweet_loli_bows January 1 2008, 08:56:55 UTC


chibi_warumono January 1 2008, 09:43:26 UTC
I just read all three chapters and...I love it. ♥♥ I can't wait for more.

And lol at poor Tom. xD


kiakaha January 2 2008, 00:02:35 UTC
Aww Thank you so much.

That means alot to me. I Love your work, so to have you read mine is just a great honour.

Thank you!


my_fool_took January 1 2008, 09:44:48 UTC
Hehehe yay GG!. Also, I second YAAAAY Hobbiton XD


sashimi_salad January 1 2008, 10:06:14 UTC
*spews coke all over keyboard* Hobbiton?!?!?! LOLOLOLOL!


kiakaha January 2 2008, 00:03:35 UTC
Heeeeeey Hobbiton is cooool

Plus.. from Gustav calling Georg a Hobbit on the Zimmer dvd.. i think they could be fans XD

Hobbiton is a very romantic place.. who knows what will happen...


breezingly January 1 2008, 12:25:24 UTC
Yay, it was Tow! I love Tow in this!!! <333 ^____^

I practically have to pretty much quote the whole thing because everything is just BRILLIANT!!!! ^___^ Seriously, you're doing such a great job here, it's amazing! ^__^ And your dialogues! Oh dear God!! *falls over laughing* By now I'm a firm believer that they are in fact what makes this world go around, they're that awesome ^____^

Can't wait to see what you'll come up with next! ^___^



kiakaha January 2 2008, 00:10:21 UTC
*snuggles you close*

And yes, they are what makes the world go around XDD

Dont forget... GG is real *huggles tight*


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