Indefinable Affair [2/?]

Nov 30, 2007 16:50

Title: Indefineable Affair
Author: Marcia_Rawks
Pairing(s): G/G ... and some Tom OC's and Bill OC's hinted or implied.
Rating: Will easily get to R18
Disclaimer: Not Real. Never Happened. Not Mine.
Warnings: At the moment NOTHING.. but theres a chance that may change
Summary: Georg is in Love with Gustav. Does Gustav know?
Author's notes This is a Series.. and ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

my_fool_took November 30 2007, 04:34:31 UTC
Ooo more XD

Aww poor Geo, I have days like that... in terms of walking out of the house and thinking, wait, hmm, maybe I could have put more thought into what I put on hehe.

But yay for GG cuteness <3 And I take it the Kaulitzes are about to make things more complicated hehe?


kiakaha November 30 2007, 04:49:29 UTC

Oh now thats out


I know mee too.. who doesnt have those days XD

.. and meybey... it could be a brother K

shhh its a secret


my_fool_took November 30 2007, 04:53:27 UTC
Haha I actually looked around blankly, looking for him. Geez I need sleep.

Oo okies. *zips lips*


handelshands November 30 2007, 05:37:14 UTC
Nawww...the Gs are so sweet. Yum!


kiakaha November 30 2007, 05:59:34 UTC
They are sweet.. XD

Thanks for the comment


thecat19 November 30 2007, 05:56:03 UTC
evil cliffhangers. more please! i love the g's they are SO cute.


kiakaha November 30 2007, 05:59:19 UTC
LOL if i dont have a cliffhanger then there is no hook XDDD

I Adore the G's so soo much, they are so very very cute together.


sun_n_stars_666 November 30 2007, 07:09:45 UTC
Oi! You interrupted my reading.
Haha. It's really good, I don' think there's enough of the G love going around.
Can't wait for the next chapter.


kiakaha November 30 2007, 07:22:02 UTC
There isnt nearly enough G love... and there will NEVER be enough GG in the world XDD

Im glad you enjoyed it.

GG Fur Immer


fangirl_07 November 30 2007, 07:17:16 UTC
*grumbles* what am I going to do with the cliffhanger????
well I could read it again since I enjoyed it so much xD


kiakaha November 30 2007, 07:22:58 UTC
In the original it didnt have a cliffhanger.. i sent to my friend she said.. you need a hook...

Soo Ja.

Where do you think they would go on holiday?


fangirl_07 November 30 2007, 07:50:45 UTC
After talking so much of beaches? To a little cabin in the Alps, surrounded by snow so they didn't feel like going out and people didn't feel like visiting the cabin as well xD


kiakaha November 30 2007, 07:59:29 UTC
Oooo i like how you think

*jots down on note pad*


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