GG Spammage with Chips

Oct 27, 2007 01:48

Yes its that time again. And its me so there is really only one sort.

GG Photo Spam!!!

So let the photos comence XD

Getting Straight to the point

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Comments 40

my_fool_took October 26 2007, 13:24:31 UTC
The cap could be someting like... "It was around then that Georg noticed that Tom's "Kick me" sign schtick had made a comeback."

Or am I just relleh tired hehe.

Squeeeee GG! Yaaay! *glomps them and you*


kiakaha October 26 2007, 13:27:27 UTC
*huggles you*

Wuv it!


my_fool_took October 26 2007, 13:42:26 UTC
*huggles back tightly* yeeeey


lirren October 26 2007, 13:29:49 UTC
To lighten the mood.. Follow Gustavs eyeline...

LOL. That and the look on Bill's face. Damn, Georg, you didn't need to give all the details about your romp with Gustav. You're making Gustav horny, and you're shocking poor, innocent little Bill.

The shot just above that with the cell phones...awww, they look like they're practically snuggling!

So cute. Started my morning with a smile. :)


kiakaha October 26 2007, 13:33:28 UTC
LOL they be the MP3 players.. and all Gustav has to do is wrap his arm around Georgs waist.
Georg is leaning on him anyway
They be soo cute.
They give me the fluffies XD

Glad you started with a smile!
*hugs you*


adropofred October 26 2007, 13:38:10 UTC
You rocks.
You just totally rocks.
I was writing some G/G just right now, and this gave me moar foooooorce !
You're my Yoda Master. Thank you > o <


And each time I see this my heart jumps.


kiakaha October 26 2007, 13:41:38 UTC
Aww Thank you *huggles*

Ooo you be writing G/G .. i cant wait to read it XD

And ja.. that pic is just... AMAZING!
They really are perfect friends..

*huggles everyone*


adropofred October 26 2007, 13:43:58 UTC
XD hey, do you speak French ?'s in French (BTW, I've written about 10 G/G stories. In French. Bwahahaha.)

They aren't just perfect friends, they are just perfect for each other ;)


kiakaha October 26 2007, 13:45:38 UTC
Awww yes they most deffinately are and no i regretfuly dont *sulks*

They are perfect for eachother. Whenever i see them together my heart always takes a little leap lol


tomorrowat10 October 26 2007, 15:05:37 UTC
Thanks, I really needed this. Haha.


kiakaha October 26 2007, 21:43:12 UTC

Im glad you liked it *hugs*


perfectzephyr October 26 2007, 18:35:09 UTC
Gustav is looking sooooo sexy lately.

i luffles him


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