Once Upon A Lovely Spring Day...

May 07, 2010 20:09

Title: Once upon a lovely spring day...
Author: Ki-el
Rating: G
Pairing: Does KoyamaxNEWS count as a pairing? *loL*
Genre: Friendship, Comedy
Summary: Shige was having a perfectly nice day when Koyama ruined it by barging in and telling Shige that he - Koyama - was going to die very, very soon. Shige’s bewilderment grew even bigger when he figured out ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

eska1306 May 9 2010, 06:57:56 UTC

Love it! XD Koyamama yay!

I really liked how everyone decided to do different things for Koyama. *lol* Yamapi was really nice; going out for lunch and everything. ^.^ Tesshi seems to think that his presence alone is something to give as a present. XD Shy Massu is great, too. Chocolate chocolate chocolate *give give give*. XDDD Nishikido's way of saying thanks is nice too. *lol* Sure, we all know he cares anyway, no matter what he says since even when he's mean, it's in a loving way, isn't it? ^.~ *rofl*

I was looking forward to this! XD Thank you for posting. ^.^ <3


ki_el May 9 2010, 16:44:13 UTC
^_^ I'm always glad if I can write something that you like. ^^ Thanks for helping with the translation! <3


carmine_pink May 9 2010, 07:08:11 UTC
The ending was so unexpected, but it made me smile! So nice for all the members to do favors for Koyama, the "mother". Nicely done :)


ki_el May 9 2010, 16:44:49 UTC
Thanks for commenting! ^_^ I'm really happy that I managed to make the ending a surprise.


sufafiori May 9 2010, 07:30:28 UTC
I really loved this and even though it's still Mother's day here in Oz, I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. Totally makes sense though, what with Kei-chan and his member-ai! Poor Shige, as he says "why me?"


ki_el May 9 2010, 16:45:54 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting. ^_^ I have a really weak spot for guys who end up in situations thinking "why me?" *lol* And I'm happy that I could surprise you.


naturalwhite May 9 2010, 16:36:20 UTC
OMG koyamama~~!!!!!!!
LOL, that was sweet!
when i read that "it's mother day" i was like "aaaaaaaaw, so that's why" X)
really unexpected, haha. awesome story! thank you :D


ki_el May 9 2010, 16:46:49 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting. ^.^ I like unexpecting endings myself so I tried to make one here. I'm glad it worked out. ^-^


mou_kai May 12 2014, 19:04:34 UTC
Your ideas, sense of humour and writing style in general... just so good! Thank you very much for sharing! Your fanfics are definitely among my favourite ones, from everything NEWS-related I've ever read ^///^


ki_el May 15 2014, 02:22:24 UTC
Wow, this is a huge compliment. Thank you very very much. ^///^


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