Merboy and the Fisherman

Apr 12, 2006 15:49

Yo~  i bring ... badly done fanart XD more like just little scrapes 'n scribble doodle done in life-drawing class while i was supposed to be painting our model TT; ahah.  's just a doodle, but maybe one day will become something bigger?  ...oooh fanfic *_*; XD  or fancier drawings~

so i present to you Roxas as a merthing and Axel as a fisherman XD  I wanted to see what Roxas would look like in Mer-form, but then wanted to try to draw Axel and couldn't think of a picture with both of 'm as mercreatures (i was tired, leave me be) so yes.  this was born.  Still need to work on their hair and... yes.  they both give me much anguish with their hair.  >_>

No matter.

never you mind Roxas' fluffy hair of hell.

crossposted elsewhere XD;
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