The Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Kink Meme 3!
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Gokudera/Tsuna or anyone can watch through the security camera and marvel in Yama's sexiness!
"Ouch!" Yamamoto didn't know what was going on in Hibari's mind, no one did actually. Maybe it was a new game? Then again, Hibari hated games so it had to be something else.
"Yamamoto Takeshi." Hibari's deep voice shook Yamamoto out of his daydreaming. Although he still couldn't look directly into Hibari's dark eyes, he could feel Hibari's gaze training on him, somewhere near his chest...Eh? Yamamoto scratched his head sheepishly as he realized what Hibari was looking at: his nipple. Rearranging his yukata more decently, Yamamoto thanked the older man.
"Haha, thanks Hibari! It'll be embarrassing to walk around like that!"
"Kya!! Hibari, this is a joke, right?" Yamamoto asked in total confusion. He had never seen Hibari like this before, he was always so stoic and never bothered in matters besides fighting. The look on Hibari's face told Yamamoto that he didn't want to answer, instead choosing to knead Yamamoto's toned chest with such force the younger man couldn't help but whine helplessly, collapsing onto Hibari for support.
"WAO, I've heard you were sensitive, but not this much Yamamoto Takeshi. Are you seducing me with this get-up?" remarked Hibari, smirking as his prying hands moved on to Yamamoto's already erect nipples, grinning even more evilly as they reacted to his touch.
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