High Stakes: Eggs in One Basket

Oct 28, 2008 14:10

Challenge: 12: High Stakes
Title: Eggs in One Basket
Rating: G
Characters: Tsuna-centric
Word Count: 497

So this was it. They'd finally tracked him down. It had taken months of delicate searching, and Tsuna had called in some favours that may cost him in the future, but it was worth it. They'd found him.

It hadn't been easy. After all, when they'd met him in the future, he's only been known by that obviously fake name. The problem, then, was discovering his family name.

The answer, it had turned out, had been the internet.

Okay, so maybe Tsuna didn't quite understand exactly how they'd managed to find such information online; all he knew was that it was more difficult than 411.com, and that Reborn would smack him around again if he suggested it, Vongola Boss or not.

And here they were. Zero hour. The stakes were high - losing this was not an option. They were prepared, having examined and cross-examined every detail of their plan. Still, Tsuna absolutely hated confrontations, and his hands were shaking as Gokudera rang the doorbell. It would be all right. It would have to be all right. They had already neutralized Irie Shouichi, and shut down Iris' inhumane labs before they got out of control. It was a risk - they weren't a hundred-percent sure they could trust his loyalty to the Family, but having his strengths on their side was worth the chances. They could do this. They had to do this.

For a better future.

Tsuna heard Yamamoto's breath catch as soft footsteps approached the door. There we go now; take a good look at who we're dealing with, and let his most trusted friends take care of it.

“Hello? Can I help you?”

Oh, God, he looked so much younger than Tsuna remembered.

“Good morning, sir,” Yamamoto began with a smile. “We're here on behalf of the Vongola Corporation, and we've taken notice of the work you've been sharing online.”

“I haven't stolen anything! I haven't done anything illegal...I don't think.”

Gokudera cut in, impatient to get this over with. “No, no, you don't get it. We like the work you've done, and we're sure that you can do great things in the future. Great things. We want you to work for us.”

Understanding dawned on his face. He absently rubbed a smudge of grease on his cheek and replied, “You want to hire me?”

“We're a company based in Italy, but we're looking to expand our research and development division in Japan.”

“Research and development team...and you want me to come and work there? And you like the robotics designs I posted online...”


“When can I start? Today??”

Tsuna smiles; he remembered this enthusiasm. “We can take you to the office this afternoon, if you like. We're glad to have you on the team. My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, but please, call me Tsuna.”

“Thank you so much! If we're not being formal, call me 'Spanner'!”


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