Is crying my heart out!

Mar 22, 2010 16:56

 After I've watched the last Shukudai ep, I want to go back and look at all the others. Like every other time when happiness come to an end, I'd always wihs time would rewind and restart. The child in me keeps on wanting to go back. But I guess that's what makes the moments and the memories of the past especially special ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

ryan87ogawa March 23 2010, 02:53:40 UTC
I haven't watched it... *still downloading*
but I've read some translations..... and already cried, LOL.

huaa... we're going to really miss the show....!!! XO


eve_aida March 23 2010, 07:38:41 UTC
havent dl it yet too! but i'm preparing my tissue for this..
ahh.. so sad~ *sniff*


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