I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who's had it hammered into their head from day one how opinions are simply personal views that vary from person to person. If I say I like strawberry ice cream and chose to have it for dessert, no one can say I'm 'wrong'. So why does fandumb just not get it through their thick skulls?
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Second of all: yes, opinions can be wrong. Hitler had some opinions about Jews that were very very wrong, for example. Also, if you don't have enough or correct information then the opinion you might be wrong. For example, if I heard that Obama killed someone's puppy, then I would be of the opinion that he was a terrible person. But if that was a lie, or not the whole story, then my opinion would be baseless and therefore wrong.
Not saying that's the case with Xion, but you can't say opinions can't be 'right' or 'wrong'.
Opinion: (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/opinion)
a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second Medical opinion.
Law . the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
a favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him.
And dangerous and harmful opinions are valid to hold?
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