just some thoughts on why people bash females

Mar 10, 2010 15:51

I've been wanting to get that out for awhile, because I have seen it in a lot of places. And I find it a shame that the good people get overlooked and grouped with the others, when they don't deserve that. please note that I don't agree with all of these views.

As for this post it's interpretation and opinion. Taking my last post (which I do agree with in some comments, I have to admit, especially the Deep Dive part. I always found that rather peculiar), the reasons that I've also seen for hating Xion is the retconnish nature (which I think it's the main subject that people really hate, as well as how it was handled), which between Co M and KH 2 without any whiff, it's understandable if you look at it in another point of view. Her overall pointlessness, as well as lack of changing anything whether she was thought of or not(I have seen Xion likers say that she was unnecessary, surprisingly, but they like her anyway. Which is fine. But other people won't take it the same way), and the lack of flaws in her personality.(which I disagree with) Name one thing that takes away her angelic aura that isn't done "for the sake of her friends", or "for the good", some say. And the term Mary Sue has so many meanings to different people, that, other than the fact that Xion turned out to be a gender bending clone of Sora as the only deficit (physical), the tragedy can play into Sue territory as well.

For Kairi, and I think this is mostly the reason why Aqua gets all the hype, is rather flawless as well, minus the stubborn, headstrong, go without thinking and getting kidnapped parts of her to simply prove herself (if you do think these are endearing or truly are flaws, it's up to anyone's guess). From what I've gotten, other than any pairing war, is that she has done nothing for the past KH games for a supposed "heroine". In KH 1, the only importance came from her being a Mac Guffin, and she spent most of it in a coma. Now her spunk can be admirable, but she's also been too passive. It doesn't help that when she does attempt to break away from the damsel in distress or waiting at home gender roles, she ends up botching it. The BBS secret ending with her letting Sora go after the whole "I won't stay behind anymore", does not help the friction. You can only hope that she does do something in the long run. But that's more or less the overall standard: she doesn't stand out. And this is, again, not including the more basic "SHE'S A BITCH TO RIKU AND IS OBSESSED WITH SORA!" I'm trying to keep the more sensible arguments I've witnessed >.>.

Naminé, it's harder to grasp. Since she doesn't get much flack, and I haven't seen any of it to gauge much of anything, I think that, even if she is like a damsel in distress (in her first game appearance, at least, and it was used for a greater ploy), she has powers of her own that works just as well. She can easily turn Sora into her mindless puppet, but chooses not to do so. And after Co M, she does act on her beliefs and make things happen. I guess she's also made her fair share of mistakes, with guiding Sora to CO because of the fact that she was lonely when there were Organization members around to take obvious advantage. As well as being broken between what's fair for the other Soras (which, in terms of Roxas, she ended up deciding it was not right and broke into the Data), and her promise to Sora to make up for what she's done. And, well, she said it herself: she's damaged a lot of people. Perhaps some find more depth in that? For me, I don't think being fragile, weak, or follow under other people to be positive traits.

Some might find her too Mary-Sueish instead (and to think that this does not apply to females only, Sora is now getting it too. He has been, actually, but this time, it's getting rampant. Roxas, Riku, and Axel, as well as Terra, and Ven, depending, have had way too much depth for the fandom and lots of mistakes, as well as negative aspects to be deemed the same as the girls. An assumption, but...). Maybe she's worse than Kairi in the "useless" category, and represents a way too innocent, pure, and very coerced personality that some might not find appealing.

Aqua...is self-explainable, I believe. She's technically not lower on the power scale, is part of her team just as much as anyone else, isn't useless, and it's what KH has been waiting for, since Kairi does not do the job. Larxene was a villain: there had to be someone from the other side to represent female power in some form, for once.

Now, I'm not saying it's agreeable, but after browsing around, I can get where some are coming from, and yet I do not. You have to speak to the actual people to get more on any of this, but it's based on your preference (like or dislike), or what you think makes a character good to you, or how much one is different from the other to make them separate. You think, for example, they do not contrast from each other: yet, others might find they do. If it's the majority or not, that can't be helped.

There's always, however, a pro and con to something.

that's the power of the banhammer!, roxas, namine, riku, sora, kairi, aqua

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