Type your cut contents here.Now, don't get me wrong. I love this pairing. If I were into OTPs (sorry, but OT3s and upwards are so much better), this would probably be the pairing that I would squeal over and worship and say "OMG ITS SO CANON!!!1!!1!"
Alas, I'm not one for OTPs, and there is this tiny little thing that slightly irritates me about
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Comments 24
My Alternate Universe fic doesn't have Axel and Roxas gay for each other! I mean, they're friends, and my reviewers seem to think they'll get together but they're not gonna... But I digress. It is possible. :D Sadly, people are more fond of them as a couple than them as friends. And I guess any AU fic that pairs Axel or Roxas with someone else has them as friends?
By the way -- Your HTML is messed up. Did you type this while in Rich Text format?
Yeah, HTML is not my friend (we had a falling out about a couple years back...there was licorice and a cheating laptop involved...)
But rest assured, I do believe in platonic AkuRoku writers. IF YOU BELIEVE… AND WITH A LITTLE FAIRY DUST…
Personally I think a smoking character can be a very sexy imagery, considering the way you write it (how he holds a cigarette, puts it to his mouth, etc., it can be really hot if done well). I don't mind if it's a fictional character, it's not like he's coughing his smoke in my face.
Now about the icky side of smoking, that is very unsexy, like cancer and such. We're talking about Axel. The guy that canonicaly killed himself with his flames. It's like controlled self-destruction. How about that? I don't smoke and never will, would never encourage anyone to smoke, but if there is one fictional character that I tolerate smoking in AUs, it's Axel.
In my own personal universe, he's one of those guys who always hold a lighter their hands and, rather than using it to smoke, keep lighting it on and off with that annoying "click", until the people they're with lose their temper and snap XD
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