(no subject)

Jul 02, 2006 21:46

Alright. So. There's is a lot of characterization fuck-up for Organization XIII, so I was coaxed into decided to make a kind of...general framework for how they act, based on canon. Characterization, of course, is flexible and just because they don't always act a certian way doesn't mean they can't in certain situations. Still, there are some consistant factors. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

I. Xemnas, the Superior. Xemnas is the head-honcho of Organization XIII; he's the one that started it all, lead his cohorts down the path of darkness, betrayed his mentor, and essentially caused the cock-up that is the plot of Kingdom Hearts. Ergo, we can infer that he is brilliant, manipulative, clever, and above all, I believe Machiavellian is a good word for it. Wiki it, kidlets.

Xemnas' big goal, contrary to the rest of the Organization really, is power. He wants to become whole, yes, but he wants to kick ass in his shiny zebra-coat as well. And to achieve said goal, he doesn't care what he has to do or who he has to royally screw over to get it. He is Not A Nice Man.

He is not Mansex. He is sodding Xemnas, and if you forget that, he will throw a sodding building at you.

In short: Genius, ambitious, determined, cold, merciless, power-hungry, and lethal.

II. Xigbar, the Freeshooter. Please note, first off, that Xigbar is one of the original six apprentices of Ansem the Wise. As such, he is a scientist, which means he is a smart dude. Just because he talks like a surfer does not make him any less intelligent than Vexen or Zexion.

Still, Xigbar is a fun guy. He likes to party, likes to play with people's heads, likes to make big scary dragon Heartless. He's smug, he's cocky, and he is not at all afraid to get down-and-dirty in the ring. Remember, he's from the Organization, and "there's nothing 'any old' about [him]." He is tough, he is powerful, he is not Mr. Trigger-Happy Surfer. And he does not say "Dude" and "As if" in every sentence. Got it memorized?

In short: Smug, playful, teasing, smart, deceptive, and a dead-eye.

III. Xaldin, the Whirlwind Lancer. Okay, we all know Xaldin has his uber-burns and dreds. Do not let that fool you into thinking he is some reggae nutjob. If Xaldin is anything, it is coldly efficient in what he does, and that is fuck with people's heads. Again, one of Ansem's apprentices, making him a smart boy.

Now, remember, what did Xaldin do in canon? Oh, that's right, he turned Beast against Belle, his servants, and Sora. Basically, he convinced Beast that no one would ever love him, and made him lash out against anyone he cared for. He's a smooth talker, a deft manipulator, and far more than he appears. Not only this, but as anyone who has faught him will tell you, he is a beast in battle.

In short: Cold, clever, manipulative, ruthlessly, and a brilliant fighter.

IV. Vexen, the Chilly Academic. As I'm sure everyone knows, Vexen is THE Scientist in the Organization. I-VI may all have been in the past, but now Vexen is the resident Frankenstein. He is the one in the lab, treating everything as an experiment. However, he is more than just omg-Scienceguy!

Vexen is a bitter, haughty man who is deeply and personally insulted by the "insolence" of the lower ranked Nobodies, perhaps rightly so as he is number IV. While he may be greatly intelligent in matters of science, he is not the most people-minded person - he is easily betrayed, quickly riled up, and fairly abrasive towards most of his comrades.

In short: Intelligent, cold, superior, easily offended, bitter, and NOT A CHILD MOLESTER. SRSLY.

V. Lexaeus, the Silent Hero. Lexaeus, Lexaeus, Lexaeus. Possibly one of the most maligned Organization members, really. Let's get one thing right off the bat: Lexaeus is NOT dumb. Like I've repeated again and again, I-VI are Ansem's apprentices; they are SMART. And Lexaeus appears, wow, smarter than Vexen. At least, people-wise. So, aside from not dumb, what is he?

Lexaeus is an enigmatic guy, really. He he immense physical power, a stunning control over darkness that he uses to overwhelm Riku, an unwavering devotion to the Organization, and is all-around a dangerous force far beyond his muscles alone. He is quite eloquent, if more introspective than either Zexion or Vexen, and a very level-headed sort. He seems to be more peaceful than Vexen, as well, trying to avoid the mess of siccing Vexen on Marluxia and placating the irate scientist.

In short: SMART DAMNIT, calm, powerful, loyal, quiet, and enigmatic.

VI. Zexion, the Cloaked Schemer. Ah, Zexion, perhaps my favorite gent, and another one with warped characterization. Usually, he is portrayed as Captain Emo, or the Quiet one of the Organization. Let me just start by saying "ha!".

Right, so, Zexion is pretty mysterious. What we DO know, though, is that he's one of the key instigators in pushing forward Ansem's research, thus leading to Xehanort's whole "hostile takeover" thing. He is a brilliant mind, and an even more capable manipulator; he is probably the most mentally powerful member of the Organization, done in only by his own overconfidence.

He's a chatty fellow, too, and a smug one at that, who always thinks he has the best ideas. He hates the idea of sullying his own hands, and thus gets others to do his dirty work for him. Also, he is not suicidal as he is very adverse to death, if you don't recall.

In short: Wickedly clever, manipulative, smug, talkative, and mysterious ooo~

VII. Saïx, the Luna Diviner. This is my other favorite, actually, so it's coincidental they're right next to eachother. Saïx is a strange character, who appears to be the most emotionless of the Nobodies at first, a completely icy person with no heart, no morals, no cares for anything but being whole. He is bitterly cruel beneath his aloof facade, toying with hearts to suit his twisted enjoyment.

But there is another layer beneath the frozen surface; a demonic, berkserker rage that will consume anything in his path. Whether this is only the effect of the moon or his true nature is up to debate, but either way he has a dualistic nature - a thin line between aristocratic cool and destructive madness.

Ultimately, however, he is a tragic figure who falls with his prize just beyond his reach. Everything he did, he did to have a heart.

In short: Cold, heartless, arrogant, cruel, ruthless, and filled with a mad rage.

VIII. Axel, the Flurry of Dancing Flames. Yes, it's Axel. Axel, Roxas' little love puppy. Axel, captain of Got It Memorized. Axel, everybodies favorite misguided hero. A ha. Ha ha. No.

Axel, in truth, is a self-righteous, arrogant, manipulative, back-stabbing, snarky, and wholly unheroic guy. Everything he does is driven by his own goals, his own motives; up until the end, he does virtually nothing unless he gets something out of it. He is not kind, he is not fluffy, he does not spout his catchphrash every sentence. He is a cold, deadly, wonderfully smug bastard, and that is why I love him.

He does, in the end, sacrifice himself for Roxas/Sora, however, and he does have numerous redeeming qualities. But he's still Not A Nice Man.

In short: Treacherous, selfish, snarky, arrogant, brilliant, merciless, and very dangerous.

IX. Demyx, the Melodious Nocturne. Demyx is usually painted with a single color - he is the idiot, the goof, the bungler. And, to an extent, this is true. He needs a cue-card, he's not the best fighter (or so he claims), and he seems like a pretty nice guy, honestly. But he's still Organization material and, like Xigbar said, nothing "any-old" about them.

So, Demyx may be a goofball. But remember when Sora called him heartless? He instantly turned deathly serious. Just that single expression, the single phrase uttered, showed exactly why Xemnas kept him around. The Organization is made up of the products of 13 strong-hearted individuals, and Demyx is right up there with the rest of them. Don't count him out just because he's a bit of a ditz.

In short: Goofy, idiosyncratic, peaceful (sort of), cold when crossed, and just as fierce as any other Organization member.

X. Luxord, the Gambler of Fate. Luxord is probably the least seen member of the Organization, really. However, he still has more to his personality than just Gambling, I promise.

He, like all the rest, is of a clever sort, a sharp minded individual who played the card of Parlay to catch Sora and Jack Sparrow off-guard so he could escape with the medallions. He is a realist - he lets others do the fighting for him, and when pushed to a corner, forces Sora to play his kind of game, and alone. He stacks the deck in his favor in all endeavours, and does it with perfectly coiffed hair, too.

In short: Clever, cautious, smug, devious, and poker-faced to the very end.

XI. Marluxia, the Graceful Assassin. Let's get one thing straight, right at the beginning: Marluxia? Not some femm-boy. He may have flower powers and pink hair, but he is brilliant, he is deadly, and he was possibly strong enough to take on Xemnas.

Marluxia was completely amazing in his plans, no arguing that. Up until quite recently, no one even suspected what was going on, except Axel and possibly Zexion. In addition, he pulled the strings on most of his subjects perfectly, although he greatly underestimated the cleverness of Axel and never even knew that Zexion and Lexaeus were readying to strike against him. Regardless, he had an excellent grip on the situation and was a powerful warrior.

Pink does not make him a pansy.

In short: Genius, powerful, manipulative, ambitious, merciless, and NOT A FOPPISH PRETTYBOY. KTHX.

XII. Larxene, the Savage Nymph. Okay, most people really get Larxene's base personality - I WILL give them that. She is the sadist, a brutal, unforgivable bitch to be quite frank, and Marluxia's number-one Guard Dog. Clearly, she is one he could trust, and rely on to get the job done.

Still, sadism isn't all there is to her. She's still wise enough to play with Sora's head, and good enough, as said, for Marluxia to make her his right-hand woman. She is the Lightning Ninja Dominatrix, remember, and not one to toy with. She is far from the token female.

In short: Sadistic, efficient, cold, playful, and volatile not to mention the ultimate Top of the Organization. Bow and scrape to Queen Larxene, bitches.

XIII. Roxas, the Key of Destiny. And there, there was the final member. Roxas, everybody's favorite emo-clone. He's an interesting one to work with, because he has two personalities: one in Twilight Town, and his true persona, which we only catch brief glimpses of.

In Twilight Town, he's just an average kid. He likes ice cream, hanging out with his friends, skateboarding, and beating up the local punk, Seifer. He was relatively happy, if the traditional "straight-man" in his group. But that all changes when he starts back-shifting to Organization-Roxas.

Organization-Roxas was, well, kinda emo. The reality that he was not a whole person led him to seek who he truly was, and it made him quite the angst-bunny. He did the whole "noone cares about me I'll go run away" deal, and got all pissy at Riku for asking questions he couldn't answer. He had a good heart core, but it was wrapped in layers of angst and confusion.

In short: Aloof, self-doubting, angsty, volatile, confused, and self-isolated.

That, my friends, is the Organization, based on MY observations. Feel free to make your own assumptions, your own likings. But this is my take. Comments, questions, cookies?

canon, organization

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