Because Xenmas is not Xehanort, Xehanort's Heartless is not the Heartless of Ansem, and other things. It's confusing, and I still don't get some of the details, but I know some things.
Here's an Ansem, there's an Ansem, and another little Ansem... )
Comments 14
Xehanort (host!)>Xemnas (nobody!)> Ansem (heartless!)
So simpul
( ... )
Darkness in nothingness, in other terms. (Because "Darkness is nothing" would just screw everything up better than badfic can.)
And YAY, someone who DOESN'T mix it all up! ...Except that DiZ and Ansem the Wise are the very same being, no alter-ego-ing there. Ansem the Wise was consumed by hatred at his apprentices' betrayal. And he wears bandages to hide his identity, SO HE IS ANSEM THE WISE AFTER BETRAYAL. You should correct that one...
Yeah, they are the same person. But (In my opinion) because of the darkness, he...changed? The Ansem of Radiant Garden that is portrayed as kind and not wanting to hurt anyone, thus the 'somewhat' in the alter-ego part. And then he and Mickey had healing sex. But I've gone and edited the wording :D
Then way later, it turned out that "Ansem" was "RIKU"
Yah, that broke my brain for maybe 2 weeks. Or more. :D
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