Title : Kiss
Pairing : Jongkey
Rating : G
Genre : fluffy
Summary : They make each other's biggest dream come true
Note : This is a sequel of
Rain :3
"Kibum, let's go for a walk"
"It's 5 a.m, hyung. You’ll ruin my beauty sleep" Kibum rubbed his eyes gently, Jonghyun was standing beside his bed and holding his hands.
"Oh c'mon, princess.. You're beautiful already, everyone knows that. Now I want to take a walk" Jonghyun kept speaking as he shook Kibum's hand several times
"I'm sleepy.."
"We won't take that long" He insisted
"Okay okay.." Kibum finally gave in to Jonghyun’s request. He rose from his bed and walked towards the bathroom.
"I'll wait in the front door, okay?" Jonghyun said before Kibum gave a small 'hmm' and closed the bathroom door.
Kibum brushed his teeth and washed his face, after that he came out from the bathroom and Jonghyun was already stood in front of the front door, holding two cartons of chocolate milk.
"Let's go princess" He said and handed Kibum one of the milk.
They walked slowly as they drank the milk, the sky has a bit of orange-ish color because it’s nearly dawn.
"The fresh air in the morning is the best!" Jonghyun said after he drank the last drop of his milk and he threw the carton to the nearest trash bin.
"I know. But I'm still sleepy" Kibum said, still drinking his milk.
Suddenly, a few droplets of rain fell down on them. Jonghyun quickly took Kibum's hand and lead him to the nearest bus stop to keep them dry. The rain getting pretty hard, but Kibum didn't get mad. He smiled as Jonghyun rubbed his hands with his so that he wouldn't get cold and top of that it was raining.
"It's beautiful" Kibum spoke to no one in particular, but it's only Jonghyun who was with him at that time.
"The rain?" Jonghyun asked and Kibum nodded.
Seeing Kibum’s face was in bliss, Jonghyun dragged Kibum out of their shelter and made themselves drenched with the rain,
"What are you doing, hyung? We will get sick!" Kibum said but he didn't restrained Jonghyun for dragging him under the rain
"I just want to make your biggest dream become true" Jonghyun smiled sheepishly and drew his face closer to Kibum's, their lips almost brushed against each other, "And mine too" he added and he pressed his lips to Kibum's.
They kissed slowly, their lips fitted perfectly with the other, like god really made them to kiss each other. Jonghyun could feel that Kibum was smiling in the kiss. Jonghyun kept his hands on Kibum's waist while Kibum's hands were around Jonghyun's neck.
They kissed under the rain. They fulfilled each other's biggest dream.
Note : I also want to be kissed under the rain.. hahahha :DD i was checking my journal and i read that 'Rain' drabble, and because i'm so in fluffy mood (because of my crush >v