Title: Love You Like Pancakes?
Rating: PG
Summary: The Doctor wonders what exactly the phrase, "I love you like pancakes" means. Claudia has no answers.
Prompt: "Breakfast" for
crossovers100 and "felicity" for
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and all related characters; SyFy owns "Warehouse 13" and all related characters; I own nothing.
“I don’t understand why you humans are fascinated with pancakes,” the Doctor muttered as he watched Claudia happily dig in to the stack in front of her. They were currently in Roswell, 1951 as Claudia’s request, and before they made their way to what would be one of the most mysterious locations in America, she had demanded that they stop for breakfast at a local diner. She wanted to experience the diners in their glory years and not the cast-offs she kept running into in South Dakota.
“Dude, they’re delicious!” Claudia protested around a mouthful of hotcakes, before grabbing her cup of coffee and taking a swallow. They were by far the best she’d had in a while and she hated that she had to speed eat through them. It was a moment of pure food felicity, if that made any sense. “I mean, I could ask you why you like bowties and fezes so much.”
“Because they’re cool,” the Doctor answered, adjusting the aforementioned bow-tie slightly. “And for that matter, what does that phrase, ‘I love you like pancakes’ actually mean? Nobody’s been able to explain it to me. I understand loving food, but why would anybody love food enough to tell another person that they love them like that food? Does the food hold a special place in their life?”
Claudia shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Just forget it,” she said, taking another large bite and savoring the taste. “It’s just one of those things people say. Now eat up. We have a long night of UFO-spotting to prepare for.”