Still alive, still kicking, still busy (and generally covered in sugar).

Nov 26, 2012 08:56

As for the question of my sanity...well, we could argue I've never been particularly sane, anyway, so maybe that's a bit moot.

Things are, of course, utterly crazy over here. Every time things seem to be working out and smoothing out and such, something sudden will happen to throw a wrench into it. Some of that'll be listed below, but this is gonna ( Read more... )

i ramble a lot, i need more sleep, this is to prove that i am still alive, add--i has it, meeting fandom people, real life stuff (sorta), i have the best friends ever, via ljapp, someone please kidnap me from work so i , news, work is trying to kill me, where the hell is my time turner, fics have eaten me alive, i need more hours in the day, beware of flail

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Comments 13

ldydark1 November 26 2012, 18:06:51 UTC
It is good to hear from you. I am glad you got out to a movie, and
have fun with friends. Work sounds crazy, but it sounds like you
all get along, which is 50% or > . Glad you gave us an
update, take care!


khasael November 27 2012, 12:15:47 UTC
My general schedule makes having a social life REALLY difficult, but every now and then, I can make it happen. Thankfully, the few people I get to hang out with also write (in fandom or outside of it), so they're just as happy as I am to sit someplace and intermittently chat and do writing-related things. And, yes, I do generally like my coworkers, so that makes things so much better most days!

Hope you're doing well, dear! Take care of yourself as well, hm? *hugs*


blossomdreams November 26 2012, 18:31:52 UTC
*hugs* Wow you've been busy! Though it's good to know that you're having fun and writing all the things. :) I should see Skyfall my friend told me about it when we hung out the other day and she said I would love Q because he's adorable and knows technology. Both things are relevant to my interests. :)

Work sounds crazy and I hope things settle soon. Working on your days off doesn't sound very fun. Have fun and I hope the cold goes away soon.



khasael November 27 2012, 12:21:02 UTC
One of my coworkers (the grocery manager, I think) said the other day that she doesn't think I know how to not do anything, and she may be on to something, heh. I feel like I am always writing all the things, in some form or another. Not complaining about it, though!!

And yes, go watch Skyfall. Q is indeed adorable and all tech!geek. I looooove him :D

Think I've finally got over the worst of the cold, so yay for that! Here's hoping I'm good for another half-decade or so XD Work is crazy, but it's been crazier, and I'm not actually 'stressed' about it so much as I'm just tired from being there so often. It'll mellow out significantly, come Jan 1st, when everyone's trying to keep their New Year's resolutions...for the first 6 weeks or so ;)


kayoko November 26 2012, 21:14:09 UTC
ARGH, people being unreliable. I understand the part-timer's probably thinking that this is just a stopping point in his/her career path, but I hope (s)he is trying at least (doesn't sound like it, though)



khasael November 27 2012, 12:24:20 UTC
The part-timer is...blerg, I dunno. He's a nice guy, but eesh, that doesn't get you very far in a kitchen if you can't produce product that's both presentable/edible and done in a timely manner. But he's improving a little, and hopefully he makes a nice leap soon, since we're likely getting a new guy starting by next week, and neither of them are guaranteed a position come January, when we always pare down staff.

YAY, TEEN WOLF indeed XD (Omggggg, I just love it soooo much!) *huggles*


alafaye November 26 2012, 23:05:21 UTC
*hugs* Glad to hear from you! And ever so glad to know they hired someone else!


khasael November 27 2012, 12:26:01 UTC
Yeah, having another cake decorator is awesome, especially with so many special orders for cake coming in within the last few weeks. Now, if this guy we're seeing today works out for general production, that'll be even better! *hugs back*


enchanted_jae November 27 2012, 01:52:47 UTC
Sounds exciting, even if it's a bit crazy!


khasael November 27 2012, 12:26:41 UTC
The craziness just means I don't have to worry about being bored, right? ;)


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