HP Fic: Rehydration (Harry/Draco, R)

May 08, 2012 17:39

Title: Rehydration
Beta: groolover
Rating: R
Word Count: 818
Warnings/Contains: Adult language, sexual content
Summary: Draco's hot. Potter's hotter.
Author’s Note: Just a wee ficlet for my birthday buddy, bleedforyou1 :) She requested Harry/Draco and left me the prompt of “water”. (Also, oh, hey, look! I AM capable of writing something under 20k these days! Who’d have ( Read more... )

for bleedforyou1, gift!fic, fandom: harry potter, length: ficlet, fanfiction, category: slash, pairing: harry/draco, genre: unestablished relationship, era: 8th year, rating: r

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Comments 9

enchanted_jae May 9 2012, 00:20:49 UTC

... )


khasael May 9 2012, 04:11:58 UTC
I just about choked on my cherry lifesaver when I saw that reply. Cannot continue this if I am dead!

...wow, that is one intense lemur!stare XD

I might continue this at some point.... You never know ;)


enchanted_jae May 10 2012, 03:33:27 UTC
...I would have felt really bad, had you choked on your life saver. But, can you imagine the IRONY?!

"Woman Chokes To Death on Life Saver; film at 11"


kayoko May 9 2012, 00:29:54 UTC
Where might I be able to acquire one of these automagical clothes washing lockers/closets?

I loved that Harry left a trail of clothing, it's like he's does it on purpose because he can now that he's out of the Dudley's home. This story is such a tease and congratulations for writing something under 1k!


khasael May 9 2012, 04:16:23 UTC
If I figure out where to get one, I will let you know!

And, what, a tease? Who, me? This fic? *innocent look*


bleedforyou1 May 9 2012, 02:11:44 UTC
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! ♥ guh, unf, so so so good! <333 THANK YOU SO MUCH! This was gorgeous-- Draco being all "omg i hate him but he's so hot" and Harry being all "oooh come and join me, you brat" LOL! I love it! it's so them!

aaaaaand here's your bday present, darling: http://bleedforyou1.livejournal.com/114772.html


khasael May 9 2012, 04:18:12 UTC
Yay! I am glad you liked it! ♥

Running off to read now :D


lijahlover May 10 2012, 03:42:45 UTC
Squeeeeee for yummy hot fics with water. :)

I agree with jae please continue :)


uniquepov May 14 2012, 01:54:30 UTC


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